



Information, Misinformation, Fake News, Knowledge


This is a writing/invitation, especially for those involved with Education. In it we present some theoretical analyzes regarding practices evidenced in Digital Culture that reflect on the ways in which we have apprehended things in the world. We seek to bring to the scene some concepts specific to this Culture with the aim of making the reader aware of issues that can contribute to teaching that restores the “Right to Look” to our children and young people. To this end, we used scientific articles and classic authors as sources so that, when placed in dialogue, they provided a reading experience that promotes countervisualities to the hegemonic visualities of our time.


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Author Biographies

Professor Alessandro Camara de Souza, Fluminense Federal University

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Sciences, Technologies and Inclusion (PGCTIn/UFF). Teacher at the Niterói Municipal Education Foundation, working with students with low vision or blindness and accessibility consultant for films through audio description for the Subtitle Productions Center (CPL).

Professor Dagmar de Mello e Silva, Federal Fluminense University

Associate Professor at Fluminense Federal University - Faculty of Education/SFP, permanent professor in the Postgraduate Doctorate in Science, Technology and Inclusion (PGCTIn) and Postgraduate Doctorate in Education (PPGE) programs.

Professor Leiliane Domingues da Silva, Federal Fluminense University

PhD student in Science, Technology and Inclusion at the Fluminense Federal University - UFF. Substitute teacher at the Faculty of Teacher Training of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - FFP/UERJ.


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BRISOLA, A.; BEZERRA, A. C. Desinformação e circulação de “Fake News”: distinções, diagnóstico e reação. XIX Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação – ENANCIB, 2018.

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EWALD, F. In: DELEUZE, G.; GUATTARI, F. Mil platôs - capitalismo e esquizofrenia, vol. 1. Tradução de Aurélio Guerra Neto e Célia Pinto Costa. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 34, 1995. (Orelha do livro).

FOUCAULT, M. História da sexualidade 2: o uso dos prazeres.5ed.São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2014.

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GALHARDI, C. P.; FREIRE, N.P.; MINAYO, M.C.S.; FAGUNDES, M.C.M. Fato ou Fake? Uma análise da desinformação frente à pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, p. 4201-4210, 2020.

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GUATTARI, F.; ROLNIK, S. Micropolítica: cartografias do desejo. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes, 1986.

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LARROSA, J. B. Notas sobre a experiência e o saber de experiência. Revista Brasileira de Educação. Rio de Janeiro, v. 19, p.20-29, 2002.

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PINHEIRO, M. M. K.; BRITO, V. de P. Em busca do significado da desinformação. Revista de Ciência da Informação, v.15, n.6, p.1-7, 2014.



How to Cite

CAMARA DE SOUZA, A.; DE MELLO E SILVA , D.; DOMINGUES DA SILVA, L. FACT OR FAKE (?): PROBLEMATIZATIONS FOR THINKING ABOUT CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION: PROBLÉMATISATIONS POUR PENSER L’ÉDUCATION CONTEMPORAINE. Journal Inter-Ação, Goiânia, v. 49, n. 3, p. 1781–1792, 2024. DOI: 10.5216/ia.v49i3.78746. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/interacao/article/view/78746. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.