Vol. 7 No. 1 (2005)

Published: 2006-12-25

Original Article

Review Article

  • Psychosocial rehabilitation and family: considerations about the re-structuration of the psychiatric assistance in Brazil

    Valéria Cristina Christello Coimbra, Jacileide Guimarães, Mariluci Camargo Ferreira da Silva, Luciane Prado Kantorski, Maria Cecília Morais Scatena
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5216/ree.v7i1.849
  • Theoretical reflection about the use of the dance and of the mask in sociodrama moreniano with adolescents in situation of crisis

    Ana Cláudia A Valladares, Rita C Avanci, Ana Carla P Abrão, Luiz J Pedrão, Margarita A V Luis, Fernando Carlos Soares
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5216/ree.v7i1.848
  • The attention to mental health in the Family Health Strategy

    Valéria Cristina Christello Coimbra, Michele Mandagará de Oliveira, Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa, Maria Cecília Puntel de Almeida
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5216/ree.v7i1.847
  • Humanization of the nursing assistance in the surgical unit

    Eliana Bedin, Luciana Barcelos Miranda Ribeiro, Regiane Ap. Santos Soares Barreto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5216/ree.v7i1.846