
  • V. 49, N. 1, 2024 - Temas com foco no escopo da Revista Inter-Ação
    Vol. 49 No. 1 (2024)

    Our first issue of Revista Inter-Ação takes place in the midst of an intense national agenda: The holding of the National Conference on Education (CONAE-2024), preceded by hundreds of state, municipal, district, inter-municipal and free conferences; the debate on the new National Postgraduate Plan; the mobilization for the reform of secondary education, which continues to be a cause for concern, given the progress of the bill to modify this stage of basic education; free conferences in preparation for the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation; the outbreak of a strike by technical-administrative staff in education and teachers in federal higher education institutions, among many other conflicts, activities and movements.

    The movement around emerging issues certainly drives us in our educational work. Our journal wants to contribute to the debate, to the diversity of topics and to reflections on our educational activities.

  • Media, Technology and History: Research, Memory and Teaching
    Vol. 48 No. 3 (2023)

    With the growing popularity of the Internet, digital media, and digital technologies over the past twenty years, it has become important to discuss the extent to which these cultural products have transformed communication and access to information. These changes have created new consumer needs, transformed social interactions, and reshaped relationships between subjects, time, and space. In addition to concerns about the variety of devices on the market, the ways in which they have been incorporated into social imaginaries, and the ways in which they have altered social relations, it is essential that researchers and teachers from a variety of knowledge fields incorporate these debates into their research and teaching practices. In light of these issues, the aim of this Thematic Dossier is to accept papers that will broaden the debate on research dedicated to different media - digital and analog - and their historical and pedagogical interfaces; provoke a debate on the field of humanities and digital technologies, their methods, approaches and sources; problematize the use of digital technologies and digital media in the teaching-learning process of the most diverse fields of knowledge; raise questions about the publication of historical, anthropological and social knowledge; problematize the impact of fake news on social networks and digital media; and discuss the impact of these technological innovations on traditional, indigenous and/or quilombola communities, as well as on the generation of new forms of articulation and political action, allowing the emergence of social movements organized on new bases and with new repertoires. By proposing this Thematic Dossier, we want to open the possibility of dialogue in the field of research and teaching, where researchers and teachers can present their completed or ongoing research.

  • The legacy of Pierre Bourdieu's The misery of the world 30 years after its publication
    Vol. 48 No. 2 (2023)

    In November 1989, Michel Rocard, then Prime Minister in the government of François Miterrand (1981-1995), said that France could no longer "receive all the misery of the world"1. There were strong political tensions in the political debates on the reception of immigrants in the country. A few years after this speech, in 1993, Bourdieu, a sociologist still little known to the general public, stated that "France has become a constellation of closed microcosms, in which everyone ruminates on their misery. It was in this context that, in March 1993, "(...) a few weeks before the French legislative elections, La Misère du monde was published, a collective undertaking explicitly conceived by Bourdieu as an intervention in the political field" (CHAMPAGNE, 2017, p. 271). This book of almost a thousand pages, continues the author, containing more than 60 interviews conducted in environments where suffering prevails, proposes to give a voice to those who are not heard in the public space, to those who are portrayed through the diffuse filter of the media or statistical surveys. These interviews reveal the social suffering generated by neoliberalism, often unheard and invisible to political leaders.

  • Vol. 48 No. 1 (2023)

    INTER-AÇÃO is a free quadrimestral publishing of the School of Education from the Federal University of Goiás and from the Post-Graduation Program in Education of FE/UFG. Its purpose is to publish upon evaluation in the double-blind system of ad hoc reviewers and members of the Scientific Board, unpublished works resulting from theoretical studies and researches on education, comprehending the following lines of research: Education, work and social movements; State, politics and history of education; Culture and educational processes; Formation, teaching professionalism and educational practices; Foundations of the educational process.

    This first issue of 2023 is dedicated to research papers focused on the scope of the journal, covering our lines of research.

  • Popular National Conference on Education and the Democratization of Educational Policies: Subjects, Processes and Propositions
    Vol. 47 No. 3 (2022)

    The referred dossier proposes to situate the current scenario of setbacks in educational
    politics in the country, marked by neoliberal and neoconservative policies, and, above all, to analyze
    the resistance movements developed by the National Forum of Popular Education (FNPE). From this
    perspective, it seeks to analyze, especially, the role of the collective subjects that make up the FNE, as
    well as the organization processes, including systematization, structure, political-pedagogical
    dynamics and the collective construction of proposals, aiming at the democratization of educational
    policies, having by axis the effective materiality of the National Conference on Popular Education
    (CONAPE 2022) in its municipal, states, district and national stages.

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