
    Vol. 49 No. 2 (2024)

    The first words of any text are always a source of doubt for the writer. It's no different for a dossier presentation. Even though, as it is well known in university atmosphere and in other social fields, the first thing to do after a gift, an exchange, dedicated attention, or any other act of special care or disinterested purpose (a disinterested act in the Gramscian sense) is to say thank you. But the first question remains: how do we thank so many people for their support, services, and donations? Especially after having received the selfless trust of so many people, and institutions involved in this publishing project.

    So, at the risk of not being grateful enough and not realizing to whom we owe our gratitude, we would first like to thank Axis 6 of the Universitas/BR network for appointing us as representatives of the researchers’ group for the organization of this dossier. Secondly, we would like to thank the editorial staff of Revista Inter-Ação for accepting our dossier proposal, and the administrative editor, Rodrigo Gouvêa Rodrigues, for his generous attention and for all the technical work required to carry out our tasks. In particular, we would like to thank the authors who provided us with their scientific creations to be published in this dossier and the reviewers who took on the workload of preparing rich and careful assessment and evaluation reports.  Finally, we would like to thank the academic institutions and public funding agencies that have provided all kinds of support to the authors in their research, as well as Revista Inter-Ação, which in the case of this dossier has been and continues to be a primary vehicle for the communication of research results.

    This collection of articles aimed to explore the complex relationships between the production of knowledge, the field of higher education, and how educational policies are regulated. In this context, we had publicly invited researchers to contribute with articles that address these issues, which are fundamental to higher education, academic research, educational policies, and their impact on the production and dissemination of knowledge.

    As it is known, higher education is facing significant challenges in the contemporary world. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of knowledge production and the regulation of educational policies is essential for the formulation of country strategies and projects. This dossier, as each reader will see, has sought to deepen the discussion on key issues in higher education and scientific production.

    Higher education is essential for economic, social, and cultural development, but it is under increasing pressure from globalization, the demands of capitalism, technological advances, social, political, economic, and cultural crises and changes. In this context, educational policies represent regulations and determinations in the space of provision in higher education, including public and private higher education institutions (HEIs).

    Moreover, the production of knowledge in universities plays a fundamental role in the construction of knowledge and scientific progress in society. Therefore, understanding how public policies affect academic research and higher education is essential to ensure that higher education institutions can fulfill their missions, which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

    In line with the theme of the dossier, "Higher education, knowledge production, and contemporary challenges", the articles brought contributions on a variety of topics, including "An Approach to the International Panorama of Public Higher Education in Chiapas/Mexico", by Egeslaine de Nez and Diana Jiménez; "World-Class Universities in The USA and Brazil: Union Resistance to the Model", by Moisés Mazza, Aryanne Oliveira, and Savana Melo; "International Academic Rankings as Regulators of Higher Education: An Examination of How They are Utilized in Institutional Policy Decision-Making", by André Martins and Gladys Barreyro; "Internationalization in the Wake of the Postgraduate Regulatory Assessment in Brazil", by Edineide Jezine and Wlly Barbosa; "Internationalization of Undergraduate Courses and the Educational Policy for Refugees: Analysis of the Emergency Academic Solidarity Program – PESA", by Rômulo de Azevedo and João de Oliveira; "Academic Capitalism and the Alienating Competition Between Teacher-Researchers in Higher Education Rankings", by Everton Fargoni, João Júnior and Afrânio Catani; and "Scientific Cooperation in the Global South: Towards an Alternative Internationalization”, by Juliana Souza, José Cossa and Cibele Rodrigues.

    It is worth noting that, apart from the fact that the authors of this dossier are associated with higher education institutions located in three different regions of the country, namely the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)/Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in the Northeast; the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), in the Southeast; and the State University of Maringá (UEM), in the South, the authorship of the articles reveals the same regional diversity as the topics covered.

    Something that is worth repeating, reflects the same diversity as the Universitas/BR Network and Axis 6 of this network, called "New modes of regulation and trends under construction in the field of knowledge production", which aims to:


    • Study the policies and actions in the Brazilian university sector, in the areas of undergraduate and postgraduate studies, ST&I, and knowledge production, in order to understand the logic and trends underway;
    • Map and analyse the regulatory modes (international, national, and local) and legal frameworks that shape the processes, mechanisms, and actions in the field of academic-scientific knowledge production;
    • Analyze institutional, organizational, and teaching practices in the field of knowledge production as a result of the new modes of regulation and current policies;
    • Analyze the production of knowledge in Brazil, taking into account the emergence of a new type of knowledge originating from the globalized economy, its interfaces with global corporations and financial funds, through the study of Brazilian scientific production and its financing;
    • Examine the consequences for the management and evaluation of research and postgraduate studies, considering the possible changes in the habitus and modus operandi of the scientific-academic field in the context of the globalization of higher education.


    To illustrate this, it should be noted in this presentation that the Universitas/Br Network, to which Axis 6 is linked, is characterized as an academic network that includes researchers, many of whom have received CNPq funding and grants, from different higher education institutions in all regions of the country, and was born within the Working Group (WG-11) "Higher Education Policies" of the National Association for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd).

    The Universitas/BR Network has been structured since the beginning of the 1990s, based on integrated academic research projects, which have led to seminars, joint publications, the formation of research groups, nuclei, and directories, the creation of research lines in postgraduate programs and the training of students in the context of scientific initiation and master's, doctoral and postdoctoral courses directly linked to the researchers of the network (

    In this way, this dossier is related to the scope of Revista Inter-Ação in a pertinent and relevant way, as it can be seen by reading the articles, and we hope that it can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and debate in the field of education, especially higher education.

    Finally, we would like to emphasize that the authorship of this dossier was not limited to Axis 6 of the Universitas/BR Network. Our call resulted in the submission of 80 (eighty) articles, of which 19 were accepted for publication, coming, as already mentioned, from different regions of Brazil and abroad.

     We wish you a pleasant and inspiring reading of the articles in this dossier.


    Alda Maria Duarte Araújo Castro

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB).

    José Carlos Rothen

    Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).

    Mário Luiz Neves de Azevedo

    State University of Maringá (UEM).

    Dossier organizers on behalf of Axis 6 of the Universitas/BR Network.

    Rodrigo Gouvêa Rodrigues

    Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and Administrative Editor of Revista Inter-Ação.

    Translator of the Presentation (English and Spanish).

    Goiânia/GO, september, 2024.

    Vol. 49 No. ed.especial (2024)

    Este número especial recebeu trabalhos que fizeram articulação entre Educação, Democracia e Estado Autoritário no Brasil com distintas concepções e abordagens no campo das ciências humanas e áreas interessadas. Reunimos um conjunto de artigos que tratam do tema da ditadura e dos 60 anos do Golpe Militar no Brasil, atualizando o debate sobre o autoritarismo e a hipermilitarização da sociedade brasileira, inclusive da educação pública, problematizando as relações entre educação e democracia em tempos presente de lutas e resistências.

  • V. 49, N. 1, 2024 - Temas com foco no escopo da Revista Inter-Ação
    Vol. 49 No. 1 (2024)

    Our first issue of Revista Inter-Ação takes place in the midst of an intense national agenda: The holding of the National Conference on Education (CONAE-2024), preceded by hundreds of state, municipal, district, inter-municipal and free conferences; the debate on the new National Postgraduate Plan; the mobilization for the reform of secondary education, which continues to be a cause for concern, given the progress of the bill to modify this stage of basic education; free conferences in preparation for the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation; the outbreak of a strike by technical-administrative staff in education and teachers in federal higher education institutions, among many other conflicts, activities and movements.

    The movement around emerging issues certainly drives us in our educational work. Our journal wants to contribute to the debate, to the diversity of topics and to reflections on our educational activities.

  • Media, Technology and History: Research, Memory and Teaching
    Vol. 48 No. 3 (2023)

    With the growing popularity of the Internet, digital media, and digital technologies over the past twenty years, it has become important to discuss the extent to which these cultural products have transformed communication and access to information. These changes have created new consumer needs, transformed social interactions, and reshaped relationships between subjects, time, and space. In addition to concerns about the variety of devices on the market, the ways in which they have been incorporated into social imaginaries, and the ways in which they have altered social relations, it is essential that researchers and teachers from a variety of knowledge fields incorporate these debates into their research and teaching practices. In light of these issues, the aim of this Thematic Dossier is to accept papers that will broaden the debate on research dedicated to different media - digital and analog - and their historical and pedagogical interfaces; provoke a debate on the field of humanities and digital technologies, their methods, approaches and sources; problematize the use of digital technologies and digital media in the teaching-learning process of the most diverse fields of knowledge; raise questions about the publication of historical, anthropological and social knowledge; problematize the impact of fake news on social networks and digital media; and discuss the impact of these technological innovations on traditional, indigenous and/or quilombola communities, as well as on the generation of new forms of articulation and political action, allowing the emergence of social movements organized on new bases and with new repertoires. By proposing this Thematic Dossier, we want to open the possibility of dialogue in the field of research and teaching, where researchers and teachers can present their completed or ongoing research.

  • The legacy of Pierre Bourdieu's The misery of the world 30 years after its publication
    Vol. 48 No. 2 (2023)

    In November 1989, Michel Rocard, then Prime Minister in the government of François Miterrand (1981-1995), said that France could no longer "receive all the misery of the world"1. There were strong political tensions in the political debates on the reception of immigrants in the country. A few years after this speech, in 1993, Bourdieu, a sociologist still little known to the general public, stated that "France has become a constellation of closed microcosms, in which everyone ruminates on their misery. It was in this context that, in March 1993, "(...) a few weeks before the French legislative elections, La Misère du monde was published, a collective undertaking explicitly conceived by Bourdieu as an intervention in the political field" (CHAMPAGNE, 2017, p. 271). This book of almost a thousand pages, continues the author, containing more than 60 interviews conducted in environments where suffering prevails, proposes to give a voice to those who are not heard in the public space, to those who are portrayed through the diffuse filter of the media or statistical surveys. These interviews reveal the social suffering generated by neoliberalism, often unheard and invisible to political leaders.

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