The transgenic foods and the cultural reproductions of dwellers in the city of Ponta Porã – MS, border the Brazil and Paraguay
Social Representations, Brazil-Paraguay border, Genetically modified organismsAbstract
Agriculture has focused on technological development, research and development of new means for greater production and more profitable crops, one of them being genetically modified organisms. However, GMOs have been the subject of intense discussions in the 21st century, not only because of their short-term studies but also because of their impact on the environment and the human being. Therefore, we aim to know the social representations of the population of the city of Ponta Porã on the consumption of transgenic foods. A total of 123 interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire were conducted with passers-by on public roads nearby in the city center during the period of July and August 2015, indiscriminately. As a result, it was verified that the population showed great concern with the health and the origin of the foods, being the main the quality of these products because, they check the labels for information regarding the date of validity and nutritional information. However, there is a lack of knowledge about what transgenic and organic foods are.
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