Pedagogical Coordination, Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, Law 10.639/2003/ Law 11.645/08.Abstract
This article presents results of research carried out with in the scope of the Professional Master's Program in Management and Technologies Applied to Education (GESTEC) at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), between the years 2022 and 2023, in the city of Salvador-Ba. The objective of the collaborative action-research, woven with subjects practicing daily schoollife in the Municipal Education Network (RME), was to describeth estrategic role of the Pedagogical Coordination in articulatinganti-racist educational practices based on pluriversity, dialogicity and transversality, as an ethical commitment-political co-responsibility and engagement of a school community. To this end, this study reveals, based on a qualitative approach and the use of devices such as bibliographical and documentary research and training dialogues, possibilities and notes for pedagogical intervention for pedagogical coordinators, aimingat the implementation of Law 10,639 /03 and Law 11,645/08 in formal learning spaces/times in the fieldof Basic Education.
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