Seasonal variation of the Butterflies (Lepidoptera) from woods of the Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden of UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
ecology, insects, raphalocera, seasonality, urbanizationAbstract
Butterflies (Lepidoptera), because they are colorful and easy to see, are great flags for conservation. In addition, they are good environmental indications and useful in monitoring ecosystems. The objective of this study was to carry out an analysis of the composition, richness and abundance of butterflies from Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden (MHNJB) of UFMG, relating these parameters with a seasonality. The collections were carried out bimonthly for 12 months (between June 2016 and June 2017). Each sampling was carried out for two days using entomological nets in each of the four predetermined areas for a total of 48 hours of sampling. 571 butterflies of 95 species were collected, 40 singles and 14 doubles. Abundance and richness do not vary between months (F = 1,227, p = 0,337; F = 1,134, p = 0,378, respectively) or between seasons (F = 0,749, p = 0,88; F = 1,045, p = 0,327, respectively). It already has a composition of different species between months (p = 0,003) and between seasons (p = 0,017). An unstabilized species accumulation curve, identified, as there are more species to be sampled in woods (T1, T2, T3 e T4) of the Museum.
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