Informações estratégicas geradas através do estudo de patentes de plantas medicinais citadas pelos sitiantes da Reserva Rio das Pedras, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro
Patentes, plantas medicinais, Reserva Rio das Pedras, sitiantesAbstract
The medicinal species used by the farmers inhabiting the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Rio das Pedras, a biological reserve located in Mangaratiba, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were registered and an inventory of the deposits of patent requests for these plants in the European Patent Office, Japan Patent Information Organization, and Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial-Indicações Geográficas, in Brazil, was carried out. Among the 36 taxa informed by the locals, 16 were cited in 103 patent requests. The families reported in the documents were: Apiaceae, Arecaceae, Asteraceae, Caricaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Lamiaceae, Musaceae, Piperaceae, Rubiaceae, and Rutaceae. Most of the medicinal species mentioned by the locals and included in documents of patent requests are exotic plants (71%) and were brought to Brazil during its colonization period. This type of study is important to identify local knowledge and alert people to the importance of Intellectual Property Rights, a theme Brazilians still have very little concern about.Downloads
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