El aprendizaje del violín en alumnado con discapacidad auditiva





música y musicología, educación especial, pedagogía, etnografía y etnología, metodología


This article reports on the research carried out to facilitate the teaching of the violin in students with hearing disabilities in the Music Schools and Conservatories, gathering the strategies and resources that have been obtained to favor the inclusion of these students. Two main difficulties started: the difficulty of learning a musical instrument for students with hearing disabilities, and the specific problems that the violin has for deaf people (HASH, 2003). The methodology of this research has been ethnography, oriented towards reflective education and collaborative work through the dialogue of knowledge, thanks to contact with professionals related to this area and with this student body. The results specify didactic proposals to promote an inclusive musical education for violin students with hearing impairment. Finally, the work makes visible inclusive practices in this musical field, confirming that a different repertoire or method is not necessary for these students, but basically adaptations at a methodological and didactic level.


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Author Biography

Luis Sánchez Sánchez, Funcionario del Cuerpo de Maestros, Comunidad Valenciana, España, luissanchezbis@hotmail.com

Doctor en Desarrollo Social: "La didáctica del violín en alumnos con discapacidad visual: Compendio de Buenas Prácticas, recursos y estrategias metodológicas para una Educación Inclusiva en las Enseñanzas Elementales y Profesionales de Música"Funcionario del Cuerpo de Maestros: Comunidad Valenciana. Docente - Grados de Maestro en Ed. Infantil y Primaria - Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla: Burgos, Castilla y León. Profesor de Pedagogía: Conservatorio Superior de Música “Oscar Esplá” de Alicante: Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana. Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil: Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia.


2021-10-28 — Updated on 2021-11-14


How to Cite

SÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ, L. El aprendizaje del violín en alumnado con discapacidad auditiva. MUSICA HODIE, Goiânia, v. 21, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/mh.v21.67802. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/musica/article/view/67802. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.


