Scientific Communication, Scientific Literacy, Public Universities, Discursive Textual Analysis.Abstract
This article is an excerpt from an ongoing doctoral research that aims to verify what the documents from federal universities in Minas Gerais say about how they conduct scientific dissemination (SD). The qualitative documentary research used Discursive Textual Analysis - DTA, according to Moraes and Galiazzi (2006), as the analytical procedure. The corpus was composed of information available in the official communication channels of the institutions (e.g., websites, YouTube and Instagram channels, Facebook), excluding, at this first moment, the normative and operational documents (e.g., PDI, Communication Policy, Ordinances, and Resolutions). As a result, six categories related to SD in federal universities in Minas Gerais were identified: institutional structure; communication channels; events and spontaneous initiatives; collaborations and partnerships; accessibility and inclusion; institutional policies and guidelines.
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