Seed and seedling morphology of two species of the genus Jatropha L. (Euphorbiaceae)
Palabras clave:
medicinal, germination, pião-pajé, pião-roxoResumen
The morphology allows to identify and distinguish characters from the growth phases, as well as supports the studies of seed technology in the adequacy of protocols to evaluate the quality of the seed. The genus Jatropha is distinguished by its economic importance and by its diverse uses, mainly as medicinal. Considering their characteristics and economic relevance, we sought to investigate and illustrate the morphology of the seeds and the development of the seedling of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. and Jatropha podagrica Hook and assist in the propagation of the species. The seeds were collected in the city of Boa Vista (RR). The physical and biometric aspects were measured, the morphological characteristics of the seeds were described and illustrated, as well as the seedling development. The seeds of J. podagrica are larger than those of J. gossypiifolia, but they have similar external characteristics, such as hilum position, caruncle, raphe and chalaza, and internal, such as crass and fleshy endosperm, an axial embryo spatulated with foliate cotyledons. Both species have germination of the epigeal-phanerocotyledonary type. Aspects of seedling development differ between species in chronology, shape and position of the hypocotyl, epicotyl and eophyll.
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