Estágio em educação infantil no contexto pandêmico: experiências didáticas e de aprendizagens no ensino remoto
This article aimed to promote reflections on the didactic-pedagogical experiences of early childhood education
interns and to know how they were building teaching learning in the remote teaching scenario. It was based on a
qualitative and exploratory research, having as object of analysis the learning notebooks of two interns of the 6th
semester, built in the discipline of "Stage I - Infantile Education", of the Pedagogy course, of a public University,
in the year 2020. The narratives analyzed revealed the challenges in the teaching-learning process in the face of
the pandemic context and viable alternatives for the realization of the Supervised Internship in Early Childhood
Education, which was configured as training possibilities. The students pointed to the pandemic as a moment of
rupture, but also of reconstruction of learning.