Cartas às famílias “Araras” em tempos de Covid-19: relato de experiência
The rapid transmission of the new coronavirus (Sars Cov-2), discovered in China at the end of 2019 and responsible
for the contamination by Covid-19, has had numerous consequences for the world population, including the
adoption, by the governments, measures of social detachment in order to try to prevent the spread of the new virus.
In compliance with these measures there was the suspension of the academic calendar of the Federal University
of Goiás (UFG) still in March 2020, and its resumption, remotely, only in August this same year. In this new
format, called non-presence activities of an emergency nature, all proposals for activities developed with children
of the Departamento de Educação Infantil do Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação
(DEI/CEPAE/UFG) could only occur in a virtual way. In this sense, the proposals addressed to Grupo 1 Arara of
DEI/CEPAE/UFG, during the pandemic were organized from the project entitled "Letters to the Araras families
in Covid 19: Knowing the Brazilian folkloric manifestations". It should be remembered that the children of the
Arara group are between one and two years old and, for this reason, following the recommendations of the manuals
of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP) and World Health Organization (WHO) who recommend that children
under two do not have contact with the screens, we have chosen to communicate with these children and their
families through letters sent via e-mail. The experiences experienced through this project were recorded in the
form of reports of experiences. We also point out that this proposal of sending the letters was personified in the
figure of Arara Canindé, in view of the name of the group.