As tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação como polinizadoras dos projetos criativos ecoformadores na perspectiva da educação ambiental


  • Madalena Pereira da Silva Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe - UNIARP
  • Paula Alves de Aguiar Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Ramon Garrote Jurado University of Borås - UB



In order to contribute to an inclusive, democratic society aware of the instructional demands of the collective within the scope of the educational space, this study outlines some approximations between the ‘Creative School’ and 'Citizen School' projects. The analysis discusses that both initiatives, with their converging and diverging characteristics, are mutually complementary and contribute to global education. Contributions include the guiding principles of the International Network of Creative Schools (RIEC) and the experience report on eco-pedagogical practices issued by the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, São José Campus (IFSC/SJ), Brazil, which were historicized by means of Digital Information and Communications Technologies (DICT). In the analyzed experience, digital didactic games were deemed as a disseminating instrument of creative eco-pedagogical projects (CEP) and contributed so that environmental education activities taking place in the Campus were not discontinued, but rather resignified by the new subjects who were given the opportunity to engage in such activities.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA DA SILVA, M. .; ALVES DE AGUIAR, P. .; GARROTE JURADO, R. . As tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação como polinizadoras dos projetos criativos ecoformadores na perspectiva da educação ambiental . Revista Polyphonía, Goiânia, v. 31, n. 1, p. 182–204, 2020. DOI: 10.5216/rp.v31i1.66957. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Dossiê Escola, Complexidade e Justiça Social