Narrativas, memórias e devir:

tessituras entre pesquisa educacional e extensão universitária numa ágora planetária




The Covid-19 pandemic has opened perspectives of new alliances between society and university in a planetary digital agora. Based on the principle of inseparability between research and extension, we present the results of research on the Biographical Workshop, as a device of research-action-training, which focuses on experiences and practices reconstructed individually and collectively. The article focuses on the possibilities of interweaving memories and becoming in the act of narrating the lived experience through different semiotic instruments, including webgraphies. The results show that the participants of the Workshop appropriated the interfaces between existential and professional life by (re)interpreting ways of being and acting. The collective reflection contributes to the awareness and empowerment of those who narrate by combining personal, professional and labour dimensions with a view to the necessary well-being to preserve the quality of life and social balance in a fairer society. 

Keywords: Research-action-training. Narrative experience. University extension. Biographical workshop.


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How to Cite

PASSEGGI, M. da C.; COSTA, C. L. da; ALVES, C. A.; CAVALCANTE, I. Narrativas, memórias e devir: : tessituras entre pesquisa educacional e extensão universitária numa ágora planetária. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 22, n. 28, 2022. DOI: 10.5216/revufg.v22.73152. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.



Dossiê O espaço auto/biográfico na cultura e na extensão universitárias