Submissions open for the Dossier "Rural Education, Indigenous Education and Quilombola Education: paths of resistance and (dis)encounters with new and other narratives"


The submissions for the Dossier: Rural Education, Indigenous Education and Quilombola Education: paths of resistance and (dis)encounters with new and other narratives are now open. Drª Adriana Angelita da Conceição (PMPEH-UFSC), Dr. George Leonardo Seabra Coelho (PPGHispam-UFT) and Master Rodrigo Gouvêa Rodrigues (PPGE-FE-UFG) organize and coordinate the dossier. Submissions are accepted from May 20, 2024, to August 31, 2024.

Check below for the dossier proposal, the submission link, and the author guidelines for Revista UFG.

This Dossier consists of a space for decolonial reflections and debates as possible ways of problematizing history, anthropology, sociology and the most diverse educational fields, grounded in the specificities of the peoples of rural, riverside and forest areas, indigenous and quilombola communities. The purpose is to create a space for study and reflection on problematizing, critical and empowering teaching proposals for the formation of critical and emancipatory consciousness. Based on these questions, we intend to gather teachers, students, and researchers to share and reflect together on teaching experiences, research, teaching practices and extension actions. We aim to broaden the theoretical, practical and methodological discussions that reflect on teaching in the most diverse fields of knowledge and their interfaces with rural, indigenous and quilombola education, as well as those that involve interculturality, sensitive backgrounds, teaching practices, teacher training and educational experiences. Finally, this Dossier hopes to be configured as a space for problematizing studies that encourage debate on conceptual, methodological and dialogical perspectives that contribute to understanding the place and protagonism of these communities in the historical and social constitution of Brazilian education.