De Badajoz a Málaga: trayectoria del portugués Estêvão de Brito como maestro de capilla
Estêvão de Brito, catedral, Málaga, Badajoz, música sacra, siglo XVIIAbstract
In order to provide new information to those already known about the stay of the Portuguese chapel master Estêvão de Brito in the Cathedral of Málaga (1613 to 1641), it has been made a review of this Cathedral cabildo’s acts so as to collect new information. The sudden departure of the Portuguese musician from his previous destination, Badajoz cathedral, entailed some situations addressed in this article such as the attempts of the Cabildo to make him back, the opposition process against other chapel masters such as Gabriel de Páez, Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla or Francisco Martínez de Ávalos, as well as the artistic and teaching work that he carried out for 28 years.
- 2021-11-14 (2)
- 2021-03-17 (1)