Occurrence and characterization of insect galls in a fragment of semidecidual forest in the Campus Samambaia, Goiânia, GO, Brazil
Cecidomyiidae, Savannah (Cerrado), galling insects, host plantsAbstract
In an area of semidecidual forest called “Mata da Veterinária”, located at the Campus Samambaia of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, 42 morphotypes of insect galls were collected in 22 species and 20 families of host plants. The botanical families with higher gall richness were Styracaceae (7), Burseraceae (7), Fabaceae (5) and Siparunaceae (4). The leaf-galls were the most common, the majori- ty occurred in isolation and, regarding the morphology, globoid and glabrous galls were more frequent. There was a greater emergence of Hymenoptera than Diptera (Cecidomyiidae). Studies in other forest fragments in the region as well as in the forest canopy should be implemented.
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