Editorial Policy

Purpose and Scope

Ciência Animal Brasileira/ Brazilian Animal Science (CAB), e-ISSN 1809-6891, is an interdisciplinary journal with a continuous publication (CP) and open access, whose mission is to publish articles, in bilingual format (English/Portuguese), in the fields of veterinary medicine, animal science and related. CAB publishes full and innovative scientific articles, reviews, short communication, technical notes and, exceptionally, case reports.

CAB does not charge any type of fee for the submission, evaluation and/or publication of articles.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Veterinary Medicine: Clinic and surgery of small and large animals; Clinical pathology; Veterinary pathology; Morphology; Medicine and production of wild animals; Infectious Animal Diseases; Toxicology; Microbiology; Virology; Immunology; Parasitology; Inspection and technology of animal-derived products; Biological Sciences; Biotechnology; Epidemiology and public health.

Animal Science: Forage and pastures management; Ruminant and Non-Ruminant Nutrition; Animal reproduction; Poultry production; Pig production; Apiculture; Goat and sheep production; Equines; Beef cattle; Dairy cattle; Aquaculture/Fisheries Resources; Animal genetics; Animal behavior and welfare; Agricultural production; Agricultural/Agribusiness management technologies; Rural sociology; Animal facilities; Experimental design and analysis

One of the pillars of the CAB journal is to support research development by disseminating information and knowledge to scientific and non-scientific communities. Therefore, we encourage the authors to use clear, concise, and objective language in their writing.

Open access policy

The CAB meets the international efforts to democratize science by providing open access to scientific contents. All articles are made available free of charge and unlimited and can be copied and disseminated, as long as the original publication is properly credited or cited. The license adopted by the journal is CC-by. More details about open access policy can be found here.

Publication frequency

 Ciência Animal Brasileira/ Brazilian Animal Science (CAB), e-ISSN 1809-6891, is published by the Universidade Federal de Goiás, in modality the continuous publication.


CAB publishes bilingual articles in both English and Portuguese. Authors can choose the language (English or Portuguese) in which they prefer to write and submit their articles. In case of acceptance for publication, the alternative language version of the text must be submitted. For articles written in English, it is mandatory to provide a translation/revision certificate after acceptance. For articles by foreign authors, the requirement for an English language revision certificate may be waived at the discretion of the editorial team, and the presentation of the Portuguese language version is optional.

Peer-review Process (Double-Blind) 

CAB employs a double-blind peer review system, wherein reviewers are unaware of authors' names or affiliations, and their evaluations are forwarded to authors without identifying them. The peer-review process is utilized to assess the quality of a manuscript before publication. Reviewers assist the editors in reviewing an article, and the final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief. Authors have the opportunity to suggest potential reviewers to the Editor-in-Chief or indicate any individuals who should not be considered for the review process (opposed reviewers).

Review process flowchart 

Papers submitted to the CAB are firstly assessed by one or more members of the Editorial Board, regarding content and relevance.

This initial process can result in the following steps:

  1. If the paper is considered 'potentially interesting for publication'. Action: A) Compliance with publication ethics is overseen, e.g., plagiarism, duplicate publication, and citation manipulation. If any of these is true, the paper will be rejected. If compliance is verified, it will be reviewed by an area editor. B) Area editor will analyze the paper, appoint external reviewers (at least two), and be responsible, together with the Editor-in-Chief, for accompanying comments and suggestions from reviewers to authors and, if required, assisting the Editor-in-Chief in the final report.

Final decision: if at least two reviewers recommend "rejecting" the paper, the Editorial Board will endorse the decision and communicate it to the authors. If "accepted for publication", the Editorial Board confirms the decision, and the authors and reviewers will be later informed.

Once accepted, the paper is sent to the editing process, where it undergoes proofreading and formatting of its text, figures, references, etc.

  1. If the paper does not meet the standards of the journal. Action: it will be rejected immediately.
  2. If the paper does not match the scope of the journal. Action: it will be rejected immediately.
  3. If the paper lacks novelty or importance. Action: it will be rejected immediately.

The editorial board may, at any time and at its sole discretion, interrupt the procedure if any sign of ethical misconduct is detected, follows the principles recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The maximum time for evaluation of submissions is 6 (six) months. This interval will vary depending on the availability and agility of the referees.

Statement of Publication Ethics

The journal Ciência Animal Brasileira/Brazilian Animal Science (CAB) adheres to principles and standards in upholding ethical criteria throughout all stages of the article publication process, involving authors, editors, and reviewers. The CAB journal supports and follows the principles and standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Detailed information about ethics policy can be read here.

Ethics in Animal Experimentation

The Cab journal is committed to the highest ethical standards of animal care and use. The work described in the submitted article must have been carried out in accordance with current ethical principles in animal experimentation and must be in line with local laws, regulations and policies applicable. The author must present documentation of approval by the ethics committee on animal use at the time of submission. The number of the certificate of project approval must be mentioned in the body of the article and preferably in the Material and Methods section.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) use policy

Our policy about the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies aims to provide greater transparency and guidance for editors, reviewers, and authors on this topic.

            For authors: The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies is strictly prohibited for manuscript writing, generating results, or creating or changing figures or graphs. AI tools may only be used to enhance the language and readability of the article, under human supervision and control. Authors must carefully review and edit the AI-generated result, and, if used, they must disclose the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies, with a statement appearing in the published work. AI tools cannot be listed as authors of an article. Authors bear full responsibility for the content of their manuscript, even parts enhanced by an AI tool, including any violation of publication ethics.

            For editors and reviewers: editors and reviewers should refrain from uploading a submitted manuscript or any part thereof into a generative AI tool, as this may violate the confidentiality and proprietary rights of authors. These tools must also not be employed to aid in the review or decision process of a manuscript, as the critical thinking and original assessment required for this work fall outside the scope of this technology and the use of AI poses a risk of generating incorrect, incomplete, biased conclusions about the manuscript. The editor bears the responsibility for overseeing the editorial process, making the final decision, and communicating it to the authors.


Statement of consent for submission

The submission of an article implies that the work described has not been previously published nor is it under evaluation for publication in another venue. It also signifies that the submission has been accepted by all the authors involved and by the responsible authorities where the work was conducted, both implicitly and explicitly. Acceptance implies that the work should not be published in another journal without the written consent of the copyright holder. The statement of consent must be attached at the time of submission and its presentation is a mandatory item for processing the article. It should contain the names of all authors, affiliation, and an individual description of the contribution of each author in the elaboration of the research. To add the contribution of each author, the CAB follows the taxonomy indicated by CRedit (Taxonomy of Contributor Roles) which includes 14 categories that are normally performed for academic scientific production (https://credit.niso.org).


Paper submission to the CAB implies it has not been previously published or is being considered for publication in another scientific journal. Papers sent to a recognized preprint server, such as bioRxiv and SciELO, are not considered as prior publication. Thus, in line with open science policy and to speed up research dissemination, we strongly encourage authors to share their articles on a pre-print server. All authors must provide us with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the pre-prints previously published in the repository of their choice.

Data availability

All data used in the article must be open and available to the public whenever requested. We encourage the authors to deposit their data in suitable repositories. Information on gene sequences must have its access number to the public bank mentioned in the paper (e.g., GeneBank).

Digital Preservation Policy

The Brazilian Animal Science is hosted on the journals portal of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), which guarantees the preservation of its digital content by the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services (Rede Cariniana). As an initiative of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), the Cariniana Network is part of Stanford University's program - Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS). Furthermore, the complete files are preserved by deposit in some indexers and the metadata are preserved in Crossref by DOI.

Conflict of interest

Authors, reviewers and editors are required to disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest, including personal or financial commercial, political, academic, or financial nature relationships with individuals, companies, or institutions that may influence or have negatively influenced the objectivity of an author, reviewer, or editor is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. The existence of a conflict of interest does not necessarily exclude publication, only if it interferes with the quality of the editorial process. Discovery of failure to adequately disclose a conflict of interest at submission or during the review process may result in rejection of the article or other sanctions for authors, referees, or editors.

Change of authorship

Any changes to the authorship of accepted manuscripts, such as additions, removals, or reorganization of authors' names, must be made prior to publication. Requests for authorship changes should be submitted to the journal management and must include (1) the reason for the change and (2) a statement of consent signed from all authors confirming their agreement with the change additions, removals, or reorganization. In the case of adding or removing an author, confirmation from the author being added or removed must also be included. Requests for modifications will be reviewed by the Editorial Team, and publication of the article will be suspended until the change is approved.

Copyright and licensing

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Role of financial subsidiaries

Authors should inform research sponsors and funders and briefly describe their role, if there was any, in study designing, data collecting and analysis, paper writing, and decision to submit it for publication.