Growth and senescence of mavuno, marandu, ipyporã and mulato II grasses subjected to stockpiling




The objective of this study was to evaluate, during the stockpiling period, the growth
and senescence of marandu, mavuno, ipyporã and mulato II grasses. The experimental design was
completely randomized, with four replications. The experiment was repeated in 2 years (2020 and
2021). The leaf appearance (LApR) and elongation rate (LElR), stem elongation rate, tiller population
density, growth rates at canopy level, as well as canopy leaf senescence rate showed higher values
at the beginning in relation to the end of the stockpiling period. The leaf life span showed an inverse
response pattern. Among the cultivars, mavuno grass presented the highest LApR and total canopy
growth rate. The LElR and canopy leaf growth rate were higher in mavuno and marandu grasses
than in mulato II and ipyporã grasses. The stem elongation rate was higher in mavuno and ipyporã
grasses compared to mulatto II and marandu grasses. In general, the growth rate of individual
tillers and canopy during the stockpiling period decreased in the following sequence: mavuno grass
> marandu grass > ipyporã grass > mulatto II grass.


Palavras-chave: alongamento de colmo, crescimento foliar, morfogênese, perfilho, Urochloa



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How to Cite

CARVALHO, B. . H. R.; BORGES, G. S.; OLIVEIRA, D. H. A. M. de; NASCIMENTO , G. L.; MACHADO, K. U.; SANTOS , M. E. R. Growth and senescence of mavuno, marandu, ipyporã and mulato II grasses subjected to stockpiling. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 26, 2025. DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v26e-79129E. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.