Estágio supervisionado em tempos de pandemia na educação infantil: um relato de desafios e possibilidades
The present report of didactic-pedagogical experience took place during the Supervised Internship in the Pedagogy
course in Early Childhood Education I, taking into account the context of the pandemic of the new coronavirus -
Covid -19. The report addresses the challenges and possibilities for carrying out the Supervised Internship in Early
Childhood Education in a Higher Education Institution located in the metropolitan region of Goiânia; brings a
reflective possibility on the conditions of internship development in times of pandemic faced by teachers and
students. The methodological procedure was a literature review with theoretical support in authors such as:
Pimenta (2005/2006); Suanno, Silva and Rosa (2017), Peixoto and Santos (2018); Abdalla and Silva (2018);
Morais, Pinho e Pinho (2021). Therefore, it is evident that the reality experienced in the internship during this
period reveals that teachers and interns had to adapt to the use of technological resources used in the teaching and
learning process to conduct with the proposed activities and continue the internship with the help of resources
digital educational systems and thus collaborate for the construction of teaching identity articulating theoretical
and practical knowledge. It highlights the importance of social relationships in early childhood education and the
need for the supervised internship to be mandatory, supervised and in person.