Estágio não obrigatório e o trabalho remoto na Educação Infantil: experiências formativas na EEBAS/UFPB
The present text discusses the non-mandatory internships and the formative experiences of the undergraduates of
the pedagogy course of the Education Center of the Federal University of Paraíba, based on the experiences built
during remote work at the School of Basic Education, in the year 2021 The discussion has references from Pimenta
(1994), Lima and Pimenta (2006), Cerisara et al. (2002), among others. A questionnaire made available by virtual
means was applied to the three interns of Early Childhood Education. The trainees' answers were organized based
on Bardin's (2002) content analysis. The empirical categories that emerged from the responses were: perceptions
about remote work; evaluation of the interactions and participation of children and the contributions of the remote
internship to teacher training. Through analysis, we infer that the experience of remote internship, although
challenging and limiting in the practical-formative dimension, was positive given the approximation of the
dimensions of being a child; the constructions of experiences that enable the articulation between theoretical
knowledge and the school reality; the mobilization of practical learning in planning, preparation of teaching
materials and interactions with children. It is worth emphasizing that the experiences of the remote stages have not
exhausted their purposes and possibilities.