Ludic activities from the perspective of ethnomathematics




Enabling conscious and pleasurable learning is one
of the main concerns of teachers. Learning math to use in
life and making the student reflect, think and design
strategies to think with autonomy, is not just a bureaucratic
desire for laws and norms that is fulfilled, but a request for a
reunion between culture and coexistence daily. Thus, using
cultural roots to bring this learning closer to the individual is
an important and valuable resource for human beings. In
this article, we report the first phase, already completed, of
an extension research that aimed to analyze the recreational
activities of the Mucubal people in Angola, relating them to
the guiding principles of the Ethnomathematics Program.
Through this Extension project, it was possible to observe
the mathematics hidden in the experience and in objects
developed by the Mucubal Group, particularly in its daily
recreational activities. It allowed participants in the lectures
given by the research group to reflect on the knowledge
existing in the playful achievements of the Mucubal people
and to see that all peoples have ethnomathematic
knowledge that allows them to reflect, explain and resolve
everyday situations.


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How to Cite

SABBA, C. G. .; DUARTE, A. R.; LUCIO, A. C. de . Ludic activities from the perspective of ethnomathematics. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 21, n. 27, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/revufg.v21.69177. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.



Dossiê - Cultura e diversidade étnico-raciais: articulando pesquisa e extensão