Memory of the program "Trilhas Potiguares" (1996-1999)

23 years later




This article revisits the extension activity called “Trilhas Potiguares” developed at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This activity was the object of the research entitled “Memory of the Trilhas Potiguares Program of 1996-1999”. Qualitative research aimed, among other objectives, to preserve the memory of this extension activity and was carried out at a master’s level in the Post-Graduation Program in Education of UFRN between 1998 and 2000. Today the Trilhas Potiguares Program is in the its twenty-third edition and is considered the largest extension program of UFRN according to Fraga and Villa (2017). The 2018 reports state that the Program involves 243 students, 43 courses, 11 Centers, develops 743 actions and 29,886 people were served by the program (UFRN, 2019b). After more than two decades of research, it is possible to affirm that the activities of extension of the Trilhas preserve the positive aspects identified in that study realized twenty years ago: its capacity to articulate teaching and extension. However, it accompanies the worldwide trend that calls universities to take the lead in the process of development of society in the scientific, social, economic, environmental and cultural fields within the framework of neoliberal rationality.


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Author Biography

Andréia da Silva Quintanilha Sousa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil,

Doutora em educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) e Pós-Doutora na Universidade de Algarve/PT;  professora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



How to Cite

SOUSA, A. da S. Q. Memory of the program "Trilhas Potiguares" (1996-1999): 23 years later. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 24, 2018. DOI: 10.5216/revufg.v18i24.58603. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.