Overcoming IDEB

Continuous teacher training in Basic Education





The lack of dialogues and knowledge about possibilities of working with school projects, linked of recent theories about innovative methodologies in teaching, collaborates to conventional pedagogical practices that are meaningless for students in school. In this sense, we propose a conversation in this text, in order to socialize an extension project that we have been doing with a municipal education secretary, in which elementary school teachers are changing their way of planning classes and, mainly, of working with projects at school. These changes are the result of continuing education meetings through projects, in which project pedagogy and recent theories about innovation in education, since the subject was not satisfactorily contemplated in the initial formation of this group of teachers, according to reports of the own educators are the topics of working. Whit the project, we have seen good results in teacher ́s action an in evaluation with the students.


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Author Biography

Sergio Vale da Paixão, Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, feedbackrevista@gmail.com

Pós doutor em Letras (UEM). Doutor em Psicologia pela UNESP. Mestre em Estudos da Linguagem (UEL) . Professor do IFPR - campus Jacarezinho. Líder do grupo de pesquisa Ensino, Cultura, Linguagem e suas tecnologias (GECLIT - IFPR/CNPq) e participante do grupo de pesquisa Interação e Escrita (UEM). Coordenador da Especialização Educação e Sociedade no IFPR - Jacarezinho. Coordenador institucional do Programa de Residência Pedagógica - IFPR/Capes.



How to Cite

DA PAIXÃO, S. V. . Overcoming IDEB: Continuous teacher training in Basic Education. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 24, 2018. DOI: 10.5216/revufg.v18i24.58564. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/revistaufg/article/view/58564. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.