Neste artigo, estudou-se a teoria da Professora Shelly Kreiczer-Levy sobre a herança. Conduziu-se um levantamento da produção acadêmica da autora, seguido pela descrição dos principais elementos do pensamento dela. Buscou-se divulgar uma teoria inovadora sobre o Direito das Sucessões. Observou-se que a Professora Kreiczer-Levy compreende a herança como um instituto que promove a continuidade entre o sucedido e o sucessor por meio da transmissão póstuma de propriedade. Notou-se que se estabelece um vínculo intergeracional entre os diferentes sujeitos do fenômeno sucessório. Depreendeu-se que ambos são imprescindíveis para o sucesso do projeto de continuidade por meio da herança, com interesses relevantes e complementares, razão pela qual a sucessão causa mortis é um fenômeno bifocal e relacional. Concluiu-se assim que tanto sucedido quanto sucessor devem ser levados em consideração pela doutrina e pela legislação sucessória, sendo inadequado tratar da herança focando em apenas um dos sujeitos. Por fim, observaram-se aplicações práticas desta teoria.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “The mandatory nature of inheritance.” The American Journal of Jurisprudence, vol. 53, 2008.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Religiously Inspired Gender-Bias Disinheritance – What’s Law Got to Do with It?” Creighton Law Review, vol. 43, 2010.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Inheritance Legal Systems and the Intergenerational Bond.” Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Journal, vol. 46, 2012.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Deliberative Accountability Rules in Inheritance Law: Promoting Accountable Estate Planning.” University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, vol. 45, 2012.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Succession Law in Israel: Individualism and the Family.” Israel Studies Review, vol. 28, n. 2, 2013.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “The Informal Property Rights of Boomerang Children in the Home.” Maryland Law Review, vol. 74, 2014.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Intergenerational Relations and the Family Home.” The Law & Ethics of Human Rights, vol. 8, 2014.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Can One Inherit a Home as Opposed to a House? A Normative and Comparative Perspective.” Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law, vol. 31, n. 3, 2014.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Consumption Property in the Sharing Economy.” Pepperdine Law Review, vol. 43, 2015.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Share, Own, Access.” Yale Law & Policy Review, vol. 23, 2016.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Property’s Immortality.” Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender, vol. 23, n. 1, 2016.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Property without Personhood.” Seton Hall Law Review, vol. 47, 2017.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. Destabilized Property: Property Law in the Sharing Economy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Parents and Adult Children: The Elusive Boundaries of the Legal Family.” Law & Social Inquiry, vol. 44, n. 2, 2019.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Big Data and the Modern Family.” Wisconsin Law Review, vol. 2019, 2019.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Past and Present: The Dialects of Property. An Essay in Honor of Professor Gregory Alexander.” Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, vol. 29, 2020.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “The Duties of Online Marketplaces.” San Diego Law Review, vol. 58, 2021.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Access Economy in an Era of a Pandemic: Response to Critiques.” Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, vol. 23, 2021.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly; DONYETS-KEDAR, Ronit. “Better Left Forgotten: An Argument Against Treating Some Social Media and Digital Assets as Inheritance in an Era of Platform Power.” Brooklyn Law Review, vol. 84, n. 3, 2019.
KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly; PINTO, Meital. “Property and Belongingness: Rethinking Gender-Biased Disinheritance.” Texas Journal of Women and the Law, vol. 21, n. 1, 2011.
LAUFER-UKELES, Pamela; KREICZER-LEVY, Shelly. “Family Formation and the Home.” Kentucky Law Journal, vol. 104, 2015.
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