
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • ATTENTION!!! After completing your registration, click on your login, located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, choose the "PROFILE" option and fill in the mandatory fields, such as the URL (Lattes address, for those working in Brazil; otherwise, use the link to your curriculum at the foreign institution repository ), Mini Curriculum (400 to 800 characters, highlighting your education and professional experience), and, above all, create or link your ORCID. Ensure that all co-authors are registered and have their profiles properly filled out. This procedure must be done BEFORE uploading the file to ensure that the metadata is loaded upon submission.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available on Assuring blind peer evaluation were followed.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Editor Comments"
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were reported when possible.
  • Text is in space 1.5; uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines on the About the Journal page.
  • If there is more than one author, please indicate the contribution of each one. At the stage of the editorial process in which the article is approved by the reviewers, there will be a specific field to fill in the template that we will send to the authors.
  • In case of research involving human subjects, it is required to submit, in a supplementary document, the Informed Consent Forms (ICF) corresponding to the research participants or the approval opinion from the ethics committee.

Author Guidelines

The journal MÚSICA HODIE is currently edited in an online version and accepts submissions on a rolling basis in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. The journal requires a minimum doctoral degree for authors interested in submitting articles. In the case of collective authorship, at least one author must hold such a qualification. Cases involving senior researchers with recognized expertise are reviewed by the editorial team.


Attention: After completing your registration, click on your login, located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, choose the "PROFILE" option and fill in the mandatory fields, such as the URL (Lattes address for those working in Brazil; otherwise, the link to the curriculum in the foreign institution's repository), Mini Curriculum (400 to 800 characters, highlighting your education and professional experience), and, especially, create or associate your ORCID. Ensure that all co-authors are registered and have their profiles filled out properly. This procedure must be carried out BEFORE uploading the file to ensure that metadata is loaded upon submission.


The journal MÚSICA HODIE, affiliated with the Graduate Program in Music at the Federal University of Goiás, aims to disseminate and share open access original research with the academic community, focusing on the research lines of our Graduate Program: Interpretative Practices and Composition; Discursive and Formative Epistemic Practices; and Music Neuroscience. The target audience for MÚSICA HODIE includes music researchers, including those in related areas, higher education professors, postgraduates, and other professionals interested in the mentioned themes. Submissions that do not fit within the mentioned areas or do not meet our evaluators' criteria may be rejected.


Rules for submitting articles for publication:


  1. The articles must be unpublished and address a topic related to the publication's objectives.
  2. Submissions that are chapters or reductions of published dissertations or theses, or any other form that compromises the originality of the text, will not be accepted.
  3. Before submission, authors need to complete the Profile (upper right menu/user) entirely. Submissions will not be accepted if all authors and co-authors do not have their profiles completed. The requested URL refers to the Lattes Curriculum (Brazilian and residents) or similar international repositories for foreigners.
  4. At least one author must hold a doctoral degree.
  5. The submitted document must omit authorship references in the authorial space or citations in the text or bibliography for impartial evaluation by reviewers. While being evaluated, the text will circulate between the editor and reviewers through a code associated with the proponent's registration, only revealed in the publication phase.
  6. The article to be published must have between 7 and 20 pages (including abstract, summary, examples, notes, and bibliographic references) and must be presented in Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 spacing. Exceptions will be considered by the Editorial Team.
  7. For the ARTICLES SECTION, a summary containing a minimum of 150 words and no maximum of 250 (size 10, single spaces) and an indication of key words (three to six) will be required, which must be presented at the beginning of the text. If the article is in Portuguese or Spanish, the title, abstract, and keywords must initially appear in the original language, followed by the title, abstract, and keywords in English. If the article is in English, the title, abstract, and keywords must initially appear in the original language, followed by the title, abstract, and keywords in Portuguese.
  8. Musical examples (Ex.), figures (Fig.), tables (Tab.), etc., should be inserted in the text as high-resolution internet figures (.jpg 300 dpi), numbered, and accompanied by a clear and concise explanatory caption of a maximum of 3 lines in Times New Roman font size 10, single-spaced.
  9. Text notes should be placed in the footnote format.
  10. Formatting guidelines must adhere to the details below. Anything not provided below should follow ABNT standards.
  11. Proposals must be submitted through the UFG journal portal:
  12. The content of published texts, as well as the accuracy of the information provided therein, is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not express the opinion of the editors or the editorial team of Música Hodie. The approval of the article or review is the sole responsibility of the Editorial Board, with input from the Advisory Board and ad-hoc consultants.


Formatting Guidelines


Only works cited in the body of the article should be included. They should be presented in single spacing, justified alignment, and following ABNT NBR 6023:2018. standards, as exemplified below. Times New Roman font, size 12. A4 paper. Margins: right 2.0 cm; left 3.0 cm, top 3.0 cm, and bottom 2.0 cm.

  • References at the end of the text must adhere to ABNT Technical Standards, NBR 10520, July 2023.
  • References from the same author should not use a dash (______), instead, repeat the author's name when there is more than one reference.


In-Text Citations DIRECT QUOTATION – SHORT (up to 3 lines):

Should be enclosed in double quotation marks: "The capacity of man to produce and read symbols should be the starting point of aesthetics" (Barbosa, 1984, p. 81).


According to Barbosa (1984, p. 81), "The capacity of man to produce and read symbols should be the starting point of aesthetics."


DIRECT QUOTATION – LONG (more than 3 lines):

Should be indented from the text, with smaller font (10pt):


Education serves the interests of the proletariat.


  • The general principles of modern instruction are indispensable from the standpoint of the progressive development of capitalist society and the class positions of the proletariat. The entire task of creating, developing, and shaping public instruction corresponds, by nature, to the jurisdiction of the autonomous organs of the country (Luxemburg, 1988, p. 222).


Below are the formatting guidelines for various common reference types, accompanied by examples:



AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s). Title of the Work: Subtitle [if any]. Edition [if not the first]. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Number of pages.


MEYER, Leonard B. Music, the Arts, and Ideas: Patterns and Predictions in Twentieth-Century Culture. 2nd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. 235p. Cohen, Louis; Manion, Laurence. Research Methods in Education. 4th ed. London: Routledge, 1994. 298p.



Parts of Books (chapters, articles in collections, etc.)


 AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Part of the Work. Title of the Part. In: Author's Last Name, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Work: Subtitle [if any]. Edition [if not the first]. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Chapter or initial-final pages of the part.


WEBSTER, Peter R. Research on Creative Thinking in Music: The Assessment Literature. In: Colwell, Richard (Ed.). Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning. New York: Schirmer Books, 1992. p. 266-280.



Journal Articles

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Article. Title of the Article. Title of the Journal, Place of publication, volume number, issue number, initial-final page of the article, date.


LOANE, Brian. Thinking About Children’s Compositions. British Journal of Music Education, Cambridge, v. 1, n. 3, p. 205-231, 1984.


Papers in Proceedings of Scientific Events


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Paper. Title of the Paper. In: Event Name, year of realization, location. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Initial-final page of the paper.


DELALANDE, François. A Criança do Sonoro ao Musical. In: VIII Encontro Anual da ABEM, 1999, Curitiba. Anais do VIII Encontro Anual da ABEM. Salvador: ABEM, 2000. p.48-51.



Dissertations and Theses

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Work, year of defense, Institution. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Number of pages.


PRESGRAVE, Fábio S. Aspectos da Música Brasileira Atual: Violoncelo. Doctoral Thesis. Institute of Arts, University of Campinas, 2008. Campinas: UNICAMP, 2008. 247p.



Published Scores


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Work. Identification. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.


MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. Don Giovanni. Libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte with an English version by W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman. New York: G. Schirmer, 1961.



Unpublished Scores


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Work. Identification. Place of publication: information about the type of graphical record of the work (provide the editor and year of the edition, if available), year of composition.


VILANI, Edmundo. Casulo. For Cello, Piano, and Soprano. Score. São Paulo: manuscript, 1992.





AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Recording. Type of recording. CD serial number (or provide the recording's origin. Ex: independent, homemade). Record label identification [if available], year [mandatory. If uncertain, add a question mark to the last digit. Ex: 198?].


EVORA, Cesaria. Café Atlantico. CD 74321678022. BMG Brazil, 1999.




AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Video. Production (direction, conducting...) by the Responsible Person's Name. Type of tape, recording duration. Place of publication: Publisher or Record label, year of publication.


PERLMAN, Itzak. Itzak Perlman: In My Case Music. Produced and directed by Tony DeNonno. Videocassette, 10 min. New York: DeNonno Pix, 1985.


Newspaper Article or Feature


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Work. Newspaper name. Publication date.


COELHO, João Marcos. Música Contemporânea Marginal. Caderno2- Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, 20 Aug. 1988.


Online Works


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s) of the Work. Title of the Work. In: Event Name, year of realization, location. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Initial-final page of the work. Available at <website address>. Access date.


BATLETT, Brydie Leigh. Women Conductors on the Orchestral Podium: Pedagogical and Professional Implications. College Music Symposium, v. 42, n. 2008, p. 31–50, 2008. Available at: Accessed on 26 June 2012.



Other Sources Researched Online


AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, First Name(s). Title of the Work: Subtitle [if any]. Available at <website address>. Access date.

MONTEIRO, Manoel. Pelo mar. In: Museu das migrações e das comunidades. Available at: Accessed on: 13 Sep. 2022.



Legislation, Constitution, Governmental Message


BRASIL. Decree No. 19,444, December 01, 1930. Provides for the services under the Ministry of Education and Public Health, and other provisions.


BRASIL. Constitution of the United States of Brazil (November 10, 1937).



How to Cite Research Data


MAUA, Francisca Clotilde de Andrade; Batista, Andreza Pereira; Farias, Maria Giovanna Guedes; Farias, Gabriela Belmont de. Research Data [Dataset], 2022. Zenodo. Available at:


How to Cite a Preprint


MENDEZ, Jesus Manuel Delgado; Trindade, Sara Dias; Moreira, Jose Antonio. Environmental Education and Citizenship in a Prison Environment: Results of a Study with Inmates in Portugal (preprint submitted to: Educação & Formação), 2021. EmeRI - Emerging Research Information. DOI: 10.25053/preprint.2021.002.



How to Cite a Review


SILVA, Fabrício de Oliveira. Peer Review Report for: The Role of Teaching Internship in the Construction of Postgraduate Students' Identity. Educ. Form. 2022, Zenodo. Available at:





Stages in the Evaluation of Submitted Texts for Música Hodie


  1. Screening by the editor who will check the relevance of the content and the adequacy of the text to Música Hodie's editorial standards.
  2. Sending the approved text in the screening to two ad-hoc reviewers.
  3. Sending the text to a third reviewer if there is a tie in the decisions of the first consulted.
  4. Notification to the author about the results of the evaluations.
  5. Returning the approved text to the author for review and possible modifications suggested by the reviewers and the editor.
  6. Final approval of the text by the editor who informs the author of the publication availability forecast.
  7. Estimated deadline from receiving the text to final approval: 6 months. Important: the receipt date will be the date when the author submits the text entirely within the formatting and content standards required by the journal; the approval date will be the date when the author returns the revised text according to the reviewers' and editors' guidelines.


Outras Palavras

"Outras Palavras" publishes academic texts dealing with Music and its Interfaces with mandatory academic rigor and may be an independent view of the author. Free reflections, experience reports (not necessarily resulting from scientific work), lists of works, lists of collections, interviews, etc. will also be considered.

Dossier SiMN 2023 New Music

Dossier related to SiMN 2023 - 6th edition of the International Symposium on New Music.

SiMN is a biennial event organized by the State University of Paraná and the Núcleo Música Nova de Curitiba research group, with the aim of disseminating and reflecting on contemporary music and sound art, as well as encouraging exchange between the areas of composition, music electroacoustic, sound art and experimental music, through people from different parts of the world, with an emphasis on Latin America.

This dossier comprises articles selected from the research presented at the Symposium.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.