The affective dimension in the development of the child. Contributions from the theory of Henri Wallon


  • Ana Rita Silva Almeida



This paper uses a theoretical approach to study the concept of affectivity as proposed by Henri Wallon. The analysis begins with the concept of affectivity in a psychogenetic and differentiated perspective of the manifestations of emotion, feeling and passion. The Wallonian theory of affectivity is systematized, emphasizing its contributions to the study of human development as well as the limits that indicate the need for new studies. Finally, the results allow us to consider the importance of the study of affectivity for the formation of teachers. The lack of a professional training that considers affectivity and its implications for intellectual activity is damaging to education. The consequences of this omission are reflected in the classroom and in interactions where pedagogical practice is established.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, A. R. S. The affective dimension in the development of the child. Contributions from the theory of Henri Wallon. Journal Inter-Ação, Goiânia, v. 33, n. 2, p. 343–357, 2008. DOI: 10.5216/ia.v33i2.5271. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.



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