Call for Paper Submission for General Flow and for Dossiers - Inter-Ação/2023


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Dear authors,


Inter-Ação is the quarterly journal of the Faculty of Education and Graduate Education Program - FE/UFG, from Federal University of Goiás. Its goal is to publish, through evaluation in the double blind ad hoc reviewers and members of the Scientific Council, unpublished work resulting from theoretical studies and research on education, including, mainly, the following topics: Cultural and educational processes; State Policies and History of Education; Training, professionalization and educational practices; Education, labor and social movements; and Fundamentals of educational processes.


Currently, this journal is evaluated by CAPES as A2 and indexed in the following databases: Edubase, Iresie, BBE-CIBEC/INEP/MEC, IBICT/SEER, DOAJ, Latindex, CLASE, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EZB (Electronic Journals Directory), Educ@.


For V. 48, N. 1, jan/apr., 2023, The Editorial Committee informs that it will accept submissions of unpublished articles related to the general themes of the journal. The submission period for these articles is from 11/29/2022 to 01/15/2023.


For the dossier V. 48, N. 2, may/aug., 2022, The Editorial Committee elected as theme The legacy of Pierre Bourdieu's The Misery of the World 30 years after its publication. The submission period for this dossier is from 11/29/2022 to 03/01/2023. Papers/Articles should relate to the following theme:


Abstract: In March 1993, "(...) a few weeks before the legislative elections in France, La misère du monde was published, a collective work conceived by Bourdieu explicitly as an intervention in the political field" (CHAMPAGNE, 2017, p. 271). With a team of 23 sociologists, Pierre Bourdieu and some collaborators present long interviews, assembling a true "social kaleidoscope" of the interviewed characters, such as immigrant workers, homeless couples, small farmers, police officers, nurses, students, teachers, etc. (FOURNIER, 2008, p. 66). This book of almost a thousand pages pursues the author, and containing more than 60 interviews carried out in environments where suffering reigns, proposes to provide a speech to those who are not heard in the public space, to those who are only heard through the often diffuse filter of the media or statistical surveys. This kind of collective research sought to give visibility to the experiences of the social world for those who, each one in their way, occupy "an inferior and obscure social position inside a prestigious and privileged universe". In 2023, the year that marks the 30th anniversary of the book's publication, the magnitude of this scientific project, in our view, remains increasingly current and urgent. In another context, the Brazilian one, this work reminds us of the importance and vitality of a collective effort against the onslaughts of a Government that, in recent years, has discredited science and its role in the transformation of society. The proposal for this Dossier is to gather articles that intend to address issues that dialogue with the "misery of condition/misery of position" dyad, mediated by the expansion of access to education, such as women who are more educated but more devalued in the world of work, quota students and other numerous examples that can be thought in the light of reading the work proposed here, as well as to highlight the importance of collective social research.

Coordinators: PhD. Maria Amália de Almeida Cunha (UFMG), PhD. Ione Ribeiro Valle (UFSC), and PhD. Graziela Serroni Perosa (USP).


For the dossier V. 48, N. 3, sep/dec., 2023, The Editorial Committee elected as theme Media, technology and history: research, memory and teaching. The submission period for this dossier is from 04/01/2023 to 07/01/2023. Papers/Articles should relate to the following theme:


Abstract: With the growing popularization of the internet, digital media, and digital technologies in the last twenty years, it becomes important to problematize how these cultural products provoke transformations in communication and access to information. These changes have created new consumption needs, transformed social interactions, and, at the same time, reshaped the relationships between subjects, time, and space. Beyond the concerns regarding the varieties of commercialized equipment, the ways in which they have been inserted into the social imaginary, and the ways in which they have been modifying social relations, it is fundamental that researchers and teachers from the most diverse areas of knowledge incorporate these debates into their research and teaching practices. Facing such questions, this thematic dossier has the objective of accepting papers that can broaden the debate regarding research dedicated to different media - digital and analog -, and their historical and educational interfaces; provoke the debate about the field of humanities and digital technologies, their methods, approaches, and sources; problematize the uses of digital technologies and digital media in the teaching-learning process of various fields of knowledge; raise questions about the publicization of historical, anthropological and social knowledge; discuss the impacts of Fake News in social networks and digital media; contemplate the issue of media, Fake News and youth; and discuss the impacts of these technological innovations among traditional communities, indigenous and/or quilombolas, as well as in the generation of new ways of articulation and political actions, allowing the emergence of social movements organized on new foundations and with new repertoires. By proposing this thematic dossier, we intend to promote the possibility of a dialogue in research and teaching, in which researchers and professors can expose their completed or ongoing research.

Coordinators: PhD. George Leonardo Seabra Coelho (UFT), and PhD. Mariana Affonso Penna (IFG).


Important notes:


1) Period for submissions:


11/29/2022 to 01/15/2023 – V. 48, N. 1;

11/29/2022 to 03/01/2023 – V. 48, N. 2;

04/01/2023 to 07/01/2023 – V. 48, N. 3.


2) Online Submissions: Click on ABOUT (on the top menu of the site) and then SUBMISSIONS. To complete the submission, follow the five steps;

3) Report us which edition the submission is intended for, by writing the name of the dossier in the COMMENTS FOR THE EDITOR field of the Online Submissions form.

4) Check the rules for publication;

5) Do not forget to update your profile, regarding the email, phone, address and ORCID Id.



Miriam Fábia Alves – Editor

Karine Moraes - Assistant Editor