The construction of satire in digital games
hybrid Images and disjunctive actions in the case of South Park - Stick of Truth
Estudos de mídia, Análise audiovisual, Jogos digitais, Sátira, Tecnocultura contemporâneaAbstract
Discusses technical and aesthetic aspects of contemporary digital images, departing from the analysis of a particular computer game, South Park: Stick of Truth (2014). This game was chosen because its images entangle a series of very distinct techniques of graphic representation, and due to the ways that certain features of the language of digital games are explored in it, allowing for a critical approach to the images, forms and computational processes that emerge in contemporary audiovisual technoculture. The analysis includes procedures for dissecting images and the procedural rhetoric of games, based on methodological propositions developed by Kilpp (2009) and Bogost (2010), respectively. The analyses show how the game emphasizes specific elements that relate to the language of digital media and its contemporary dispersion, which allows us to reconsider concepts concerning the audiovisual hybridization, the softwarization of culture, and the design of human-computer interfaces as central aspects that underlie the current reconfigurations in today’s media ecology.
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