O uso do corretor automático vinculado ao aplicativo Whatsapp na escrita de jovens estudantes
The theme of communication through social networks is analyzed in this study from the perspective of autocorrect of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) by WhatsApp application. The objective is to verify if the autocorrect and autocomplete options available in the application interfere in mastering the standard variety of portuguese by young students from Secondary and Tertiary Education. The research has an applied nature, with an exploratory and qualitative approach, involving field research with WhatsApp users contextualized in public educational institutions located in Santos (SP). The research steps are: conducting a Grammaticality Correction Test (GCT) composed of 50 sentences written in BP; filling in an electronic form structured on the Likert scale; and participation in a semi-induced conversational topic without social mediation (for the control group) and with mediation (for the experimental group). It can be concluded, after such survey and treatment of data, that the majority of the participants present generalized deviations from the standard variety in their writing, inappropriate to the phase of schooling in which they are; that there is a clear split among them, as they demonstrate contrary opinions about the need for use and the influence of the autocorrect as a facilitator in the use of the standard language; and a certain decrease in the occurrence of the same deviations when the autocorrect option was activated.
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