User’s perception about the qualitative analyses software webQDA


  • Dayse Neri de Souza
  • Francislê Neri de Souza
  • António Pedro Costa



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The nature of quantitative research reveals is limited to answering some of the questions the human and social sciences. On the other hand, researchers increasingly recognize that qualitative research is of crucial importance to answer research questions that we would like to deepen. The quality and number of works in this area are considerable, but there are many challenges to face. One of the challenges that we discuss in this paper is the level of training of new researchers toward combination of analysis techniques and software available to enhance this same analysis. In this work, we present the perceptions of researchers on the use of webQDA software in the context of advanced training. Beyond the participants’ profile, we also present an evaluation of the training program itself. The Web Qualitative Data Analysis (webQDA) is software to support qualitative analysis that can be accessed through the internet, providing a secure collaborative work environment ( We use a qualitative analysis of open-end questions using the own webQDA software, which were collected through a questionnaire. The results point to a positive perception of the trainees on the use of webQDA and training itself. However, technical limitations are indicated that in the initial version of the system were not yet available, such as: export tables to Excel, print and export text data and work offline. As for training, suggest that is necessary more time to the Questioning dimension and triangulation of data with support of webQDA. Was possible seen also that the use of software is a driving force for new understandings and insights about the process of qualitative analysis of data.



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How to Cite

NERI DE SOUZA, D.; NERI DE SOUZA, F.; PEDRO COSTA, A. User’s perception about the qualitative analyses software webQDA. Comunicação & Informação, Goiânia, Goiás, v. 17, n. 2, p. 104–118, 2014. DOI: 10.5216/33270. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


