Taphonomy of Anura (Amphibia) remains of the Holocene from Cuvieri Cave, Minas Gerais state, Brazil
Quaternary, caves, Lagoa Santa, Archaic Gap, microvertebratesAbstract
The Cuvieri Cave was the subject of numerous paleoenvironmental and paleontological studies, but none of them highlighted the fossil and subfossil remains of Anura. This work reports the occurrence of bone parts of anurans from the Holocene. The recovered material consists of axial and appendicular bones of different sizes and proportions, suggesting the presence of different species. The specimens were observed in two periods, the oldest occurring in the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary and the vast majority in layers with ages below 6 thousand years BP. The period of absence from the record coincides with the period known as the Archaic Gap in which there was low or no human occupation in Lagoa Santa.
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