Influence of collection interval, abstraction volume and seasonality on milk quality in the region of Lavras, MG
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of production volume, collection
interval and time of year on the composition and quality of refrigerated raw milk in the region of Lavras,
MG. This study collected information from milk quality monitoring performed by dairies as required
by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF). For this study, the farms were classified by milk production per
farm (G): 0-200 L/day, 201-500 L/day, 501-1000 L/day, 1001-2000 L/day, and greater than 2000 L/day.
The collection intervals were 24 and 48 hours (C), and seasonality (S) was treated as a function of the
months of the year (November 2020 to October 2021). The following milk characteristics parameters
were analyzed: fat, protein, lactose, total solids (TS), defatted dry extract (DDE), somatic cell count
(SCC), urea nitrogen content (UNC), standard plate count (SPC), fat/protein ratio (F/P) and cryoscopic
index. There was a seasonality influence for all the parameters studied except for UNC. The production
volume per group influenced UNC, TS and SPC. Differences in UNC, protein, lactose, TS, DDE and
SPC were associated with the collection interval. There was an interaction effect between seasonality
and production volume (SxG) for the parameters SCC, fat and F/P. The findings of this study revealed
that the supplier production volume, collection interval, and time of year contribute to variations in
chemical composition and milk quality parameters.
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