Genetic parameters of in vitro production of Nellore and Senepol embryos
The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for PIVE characteristics of the Nelore and Senepol breed. The variables were analyzed: percentage of viable oocytes (Pooc), percentage of cleaved embryos (Pcliv), percentage of embryos produced (Pemb), percentage of pregnancies (Ppren) per round/bull and average viable oocytes per donor (MOD), average number of embryos produced per donor (MED) and average number of pregnancies per donor (MPD) from data provided by a partner company between the years 2019 and 2022. The SAS program was used to analyze the significance of the fixed effects and obtain the Linear Correlation of Pearson. For the genetic evaluation, the Mixed Model Methodology was used, through the MTDFREML program. MOD, MED and MPD values were obtained for the Nelore breed of 29.94; 10.01; 2.53 and Senepol 30.12; 8.17; 2.34. In general, the Nelore breed provided better embryo production than the Senepol breed. Regarding fixed effects, there was no significance for the period effect for Pemb and Ppren, however there was a significant effect for the variables Pcliv, MED and MPD. For the effect of year and the effect of semen type, there was a significant effect for all variables evaluated in the PIVE. In general, genotypic correlations were positive and significant for all characteristics evaluated in the Nelore and Senepol breed. The Nelore breed had better production compared to the Senepol breed for genotypic values of oocytes and embryos. The heritability estimates were of low to medium magnitude, being for Pcliv (0.16 and 0.04), Pemb (0.14 and 0.08), Ppren (0.02 and 0.15), MED (0, 07 and 0.02) and MPD (0.05 and 0.00) for the Nelore and Senepol breed. However, indicating the presence of genetic variability and the possibility of selection. It is concluded that there is genetic variability for the PIVE characteristics, for both breeds, indicating that they can be used as selection criteria as they are heritable and that the Nelore breed presents better performance for the PIVE characteristics in relation to the Senepol breed.
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