Multisystem infection by Dipetalonema spp. in a capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus)




The capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus) is one of the primates that make up the wild fauna of Rio Grande do Sul. Like other wild animals, primates suffer from infectious diseases transmitted by insects, including filariasis. This report presents the anatomopathological aspects of a multisystemic infection by Dipetalonema spp. in a capuchin monkey, female, adult, of wild origin, rescued along a highway in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul by the road policing service and taken for assistance. In the clinical evaluation, nystagmus and involuntary head movements, semi-comatose state, hyperthermia (38.7ºC), hypovolemia, multiple abrasions and deep skin lacerations covering muscle layers were observed. The patient was hospitalized and medicated, but his clinical picture worsened, which resulted in death. At necropsy, the main findings were in the peritoneal cavity, where there was an accumulation of yellowish serous fluid, marked formation of fibrinous adhesions and numerous free nematode parasites in the cavity. Histologically, microfilariae have been observed in the lumen of blood vessels in the lung, liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, small and large intestines, and brain. Peritonitis, pneumonia and bronchiolitis associated with nematodes, liver damage and cerebral microgliosis with satellitosis, neuronophagia and hemorrhagic malacia were also observed. Adult microfilariae and filarids were submitted to morphometric identification and characterized as belonging to the genus Dipetalonema. Thus, it was concluded that this was a case of multisystemic infection by Dipetalonema spp..
Keywords: wildlife animal; dipetalonemosis; microfilaria; parasite; monkey


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Author Biography

Michelli Westphal Ataíde, Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Medica Veterinária, Professora de Clinica e Cirurgia de Animais Silvestres, Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Passo Fundo 


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, B. da R.; SANTOS, E. D. dos; SANTOS, A. B. dos; VANZIN, P. M.; KLASER, B. W.; GATTO, M.; FLORES, S. P.; MACHADO, T. P.; ATAÍDE, M. W.; VIEIRA, M. . I. B.; MOTTA, A. C. da. Multisystem infection by Dipetalonema spp. in a capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus). Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 24, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v24e-75264E. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.

