Surgical Correction of Metatarsal Angular Deviation in a Thoroughbred Filly Using Wedge Metatarsal Ostectomy: a case report



This study describes a corrective procedure for a metatarsal angular malformation using wedge ostectomy in a 41-day-old Thoroughbred filly. A 41.6 °angular malformation of the metatarsus was corrected with wedge ostectomy of the left hindlimb in association with a type II external fixator and methyl methacrylate resin. The animal was subjected to the surgical procedure under general anesthesia. The filly was placed in dorsal recumbency with the left hind limb free for manipulation. A bone saw was used for the wedge ostectomy, while the bars for external fixation were placed using a drill. A Kirschner pin and acrylic resin were then applied. Radiographic images obtained immediately after surgery confirmed a total malformation reduction of 32.6 (from 41.6° to 9°). With medication and a Robert Jones bandage, intensive postoperative care was instituted to ensure that the animal adapted properly to the linear external fixator without overloading the pins and connection bars. No postoperative complications were observed. On the day after surgery, the filly was standing and walking with no signs of pain. After 180 days, total osseous calcification was achieved, and the implants were removed during the second surgery. The filly demonstrated adequate locomotion, performed all the movements, and ran without any difficulty in the paddock. The remaining discrete angular deviations were partially corrected using hoof trimming.
Keywords: Equine; foal; third metatarsus; angular limb deformity; ostectomy.


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VILLANOVA JUNIOR, J. A.; MACIEL, M.; LARA, P. A.; CAMARGO ZENI, L.; CAMARGO, C. E.; ACHCAR CAPRIGLIONE , L. G.; MICHELOTTO JUNIOR , P. V. Surgical Correction of Metatarsal Angular Deviation in a Thoroughbred Filly Using Wedge Metatarsal Ostectomy: a case report. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 24, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jun. 2024.

