Chemical and physical variability of traditional varieties of corn (Zea mays L.) grown in the Juruá Valley, Acre, Brazil
The traditional varieties of maize grown by family farmers are a source of genetic variability and are essential for food security. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate, based on physical and chemical components, the behavior of the genetic variability of traditional maize cultivated on non-flooded and floodplain areas, in the Juruá region, state of Acre. The characteristics consisted of the determination of dry matter, mineral material, crude protein, ether extract, gross energy, neutral detergent fiber, starch and in vitro digestibility of dry matter, vitreousness and grain density. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, associated with multivariate analysis of principal components (PCA), with the aid of the R software. By means of the PCA, the varieties grown on non-flooded and floodplain areas formed 3 distinct groups, in which the vitreosity in the grains ranged from 73.7% to 79.46%, so that the reddish grain varieties had a greater presence of endosperm vitreous and higher density, with a strong and positive correlation between these variables. The yellow and orange-yellow grain varieties showed greater adherence to energy, starch and greater digestibility. Therefore, the traditional varieties cultivated on non-flooded and floodplain areas, present variations in relation to the physical and chemical analyses.
Keywords: nutritional value; genetic resources; on-farm conservation.
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