One health approach for the surveillance of novel swine viral diseases




The novel coronavirus pandemic highlighted the importance of discussing and monitoring emerging diseases to scientific society, particularly in the case of zoonotic diseases. Diseases emerge in nature and infect living beings current on all continents, even in the current scenario of biomedical research evolution. Among the most studied emerging animal diseases are the swine viral diseases, due to their high occurrence and severity. Added to this, is the economic impact on the health of pigs and in some cases on human health. The challenges of swine health include endemic diseases, foodborne and transboundary diseases. Idiopathic vesicular diseases and subclinical diseases have also been identified, either alone or in combination with other infections. Several factors have contributed to these phenomena, but failures in biosecurity, biocontainment, and herd immunity imbalances are critical and must be addressed. Viruses evolve naturally, through mutation, rearrangement, or recombination, either to become more virulent or more transmissible, or not. This review will discuss the broad field of emerging swine viral infections, how monitoring the evolution of these viral agents is of supreme importance. Also, when should a new disease or emerging agent is considered a risk to swine production? Although the evolution of pork production systems is admirable, animal diseases continue to account for 20% of the losses. Therefore, international organizations work with member countries to prevent animal diseases, ensure food supply, maintain household income, health, and preserve the future. One Health is not just a concept, but an action of surveillance and control that all countries must implement.
Keywords: Emergence; Evolution; Pig Disease; Public Health


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Resumo gráfico - Uma abordagem de saúde única para a vigilância de novas doenças virais de suínos.



How to Cite

ZANELLA, J. R. C.; ZANELLA, G. C. One health approach for the surveillance of novel swine viral diseases. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 24, 2022. DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v24e-74048P. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.

