Efficiency and accuracy of different ovulation inducers after progesterone device removal in crossbred multiparous cows
The aim of this study was to verify the efficiency and ovulation time after the administration of different inducers for synchronization of ovulation in beef cows. One hundred and eight non-lactating cows were distributed into the control group (CG; untreated; n=28), estradiol benzoate (EB) group (EBG; n=28); 17 beta-estradiol (17ßE) group (17ßEG; n=28), and deslorelin (DES) group (DESG; n=24). On day minus 11 (D-11) of the protocol, the CG underwent application of cloprostenol and ultrasound examination (US); on D0, progesterone (P4) was inserted plus EB; on D7, cloprostenol was applied; on D9, P4 was removed and cloprostenol plus 400 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) was injected. The EBG was subjected to treatment identical to that of the CG, except on D10, when the cows received EB. The 17ßE was subjected to the same protocol used in the CG except for the administration of 17ßE on D10. And, the DESG was subjected to the same treatment as the CG, except on D10, when the group received DES acetate. Twelve hours after the administration of EB, 17ßE and DES, ovarian US were performed every 6 hours. The preovulatory follicle (POF) diameters measured before ovulation were 19.5; 14.7; 18.7 and 19.8 mm respectively for CG, EBG, 17ßEG and DESG; and the time intervals between inducer application and ovulation were 20.2; 18.9; 21.0 and 22.5 hours respectively. In conclusion, all ovulation inducers were efficient in promoting ovulation; the inducers caused ovulation between 18.9 and 22.5 hours; EB promoted ovulation in a shorter time (P<0.05); 17ßE and DES showed greater variation in application/ovulation time between groups.
Keywords: Ovulation inductors; Deslorelin acetate; Cows; Ovulation synchronization; 17 beta-estradiol.
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