Establishment of paiaguas palisadegrass in monoculture or in an integration system with other crops




The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive and structural characteristics of Paiaguas palisadegrass established in monoculture and intercropped with agricultural crops in 2018 and 2019. The evaluated treatments were: Paiaguas palisadegrass (PP) in monoculture, PP intercropped with maize, PP intercropped with sorghum, and PP intercropped with soybean. The experimental design used was a randomized block, with 4 replications (plots of 160 m²). Sward height, tiller density, dry mass production, and bulk density of total dry matter, of leaves, of stems, and of dead material were evaluated. The data were analyzed using the Tukey test at 5% probability. The total dry mass was higher in intercropping than in monoculture. Paiaguas palisadegrass intercropped with maize showed lower productions of total dry mass, leaf blade, and stems. The percentage of leaf blades was higher in Paiaguas palisadegrass intercropped in 2018 and in monoculture and intercropped with maize and soybean in 2019. Higher percentages of stems were registered in Paiaguas palisadegrass in monoculture in 2018 and in intercropping with sorghum in 2018 and 2019. In general, higher heights were found in Paiaguas palisadegrass in monoculture and smaller when intercropped with maize. The highest tiller densities were observed in Paiaguas palisadegrass in monoculture and the lowest in Paiaguas palisadegrass intercropped with maize and sorghum. Intercropping with agricultural crops reduces the production of Paiaguas palisadegrass. The accompanying agricultural crops alter the composition of the forage produced by the Paiaguas palisadegrass.
Keywords: Pasture establishments. Glycine max. Integrated systems. Sorghum bicolor. Urochloa brizantha. Zea mays.


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How to Cite

FILHO, J. R. dos S.; SOUSA, B. M. de L.; FAGUNDES, J. L.; BACKES, A. A.; SILVA, J. W. T.; ANDRADE, G. S.; SANTOS, A. L. H. dos; FLORÊNCIO, R. S. R.; SILVA, V. C. da. Establishment of paiaguas palisadegrass in monoculture or in an integration system with other crops. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 22, 2021. DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v22e-68211. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.