Dietary supplementation of tilapia juveniles reared in bft (bioflocs) tanks with dl-methionine
The present study aimed at determining the effects of dietary DL-methionine supplementation on the water quality, bioflocs composition and Nile tilapia juvenile's (initial body weight = 2.76 ± 0.06 g) growth performance in BFT rearing tanks (18 fish/100-L tank). Fish were or not subjected to artificial feed restriction. The experimental treatments consisted of two control groups: 1 – no feed restriction, no methionine supplementation; 2 – feed restriction at 25%, no methionine supplementation. There were also four treated groups: 1 - feed restriction at 25%, dietary DL-methionine supplementation at 0.5%; 2 - feed restriction at 25%, dietary DL-methionine supplementation at 1.0%; 3 – feed restriction at 25%, dietary DL-methionine supplementation at 2.0%; 4 – feed restriction at 25%, DL-methionine supplementation of molasses at 1.0. Supplementation of the commercial diet with DL-methionine has not affected either the water quality of the BFT Nile tilapia rearing tanks or the proximate composition of the bioflocs. After 8 weeks, weight gain of fish reared in tanks with feed restriction and dietary DL-methionine supplementation at 1% or 2% has not differed (P>0.05) from the tanks without feed restriction. In conclusion, it is possible to restrict the daily feed allowances of Nile tilapia juveniles reared in BFT tanks at 25%, with no growth performance impairment, if a minimal dietary DL-methionine supplementation of 1.0% is given.
Keywords: Bioflocs. Amino acid. Aquaculture. Water quality.
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