Analysis of added value in bovines sold for the angus meat program in the south of Brazil




The objective of this work was to analyze price aggregation and disaggregation in commercialized animals searching for "Programa Carne Angus" benefits in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data from 40,698 carcasses with Angus cattle racial pattern, slaughtered in a meat industry that performs the "Programa Carne Angus "certification, during the 2014 year were analyzed. The aggregated value was calculated by the difference between the negotiated base price for the lot and the final price obtained by animal after the certification process. The disaggregation was calculated based on the factors preventing the animals from being included in the certification program. The results show that the major disqualifying factor in males with the racial pattern was carcass fatness, and for females was the dentition, which disqualified 34.3 and 12.7% respectively. Value breakdown from 7,177 disqualified animals due to lack of finishing, or advanced dentition, reached R$ 1,213,528.00, or US$ 369,077.86 (US$ 51.43 per head), an amount that is no paid on from the industry to rural producers.
Keywords: Aberdeen Angus, beef cattle dentition, beef cattle meat chain, fatness carcass, quality meat.


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How to Cite

VAZ, F. N.; MAYSONNAVE, G. S.; PASCOAL, L. L.; VAZ, R. Z.; SEVERO, M. M.; FABRICIO, E. de A. Analysis of added value in bovines sold for the angus meat program in the south of Brazil. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 22, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/1809-6891v22e-57079. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.