Correlation between hematological evaluation and the type of physical activity performed by horses in the state of São Paulo-Brazil




The veterinarian has to frequently assess blood tests in equine medicine. The reference values are adapted from international literature, based on examinations of healthy horses, under a standardized climate and physical activity. This study aimed to compare the blood values obtained from sports horses and traction horses, taking into account the type of activity performed. Anamnesis and hematology data from 76 animals were used: 32 members belonged to the Traction Group (TG), corresponding to equines from traction activity (cart horses) and 44 members belonged to the Sport Group (SG), corresponding to equines used in obstacle jumping, both groups were from the Pirassununga region, State of São Paulo. Complete blood counts and plasmatic fibrinogen dosage were evaluated. The animals from the TG had lower erythrocyte count and hematocrit values. The animals from the TG had greater leukocyte values in the leukogram compared to the animals from the SG. Cart horses were found to have lower means of hematological values compared to the jumping horses. Moreover, these values were below the normal physiological range for the species.
Keywords: correlation; hematological evaluation; physical activity; horses.


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How to Cite

GRIZENDI, B. M.; DÓRIA, R. G. S.; PASSARELLI, D.; REGINATO, G. M.; HAYASAKA, Y. de B.; NETO, P. F. Correlation between hematological evaluation and the type of physical activity performed by horses in the state of São Paulo-Brazil. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 21, 2020. DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v21e-56959. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.

