Paprika and/or marigold extracts improve productivity and yolk color in egg-laying quails




This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of paprika and marigold extracts on the productivity of Japanese quails, quality and sensorial analysis of eggs. Japanese quails were allocated in a completely randomized design and factorial arrangement 2 × 2 + 1, and four replicates. Diets were formulated based on: 1) corn (control), and 2) sorghum (S) without pigments, 3) S + 0.06% paprika extract (PE), 4) S + 0.01% marigold extract (ME), and 5) S + 0.06% PE and 0.01% ME. There was no effect of the control and factorial interaction on feed intake, egg-laying rate, or egg mass; however, the feed: gain ratio was lower among quail fed with diets containing both extracts. The inclusion of PE and ME in the diets improved the feed: gain ratio and yolk color; the inclusion of PE reduced the feed intake and specific weight of the eggs. Compared to the control, treatments based on sorghum or sorghum + PE led to a difference in egg taste and yolk color in the sensorial analysis. It was concluded that paprika and marigold extracts could be included in quail diets because of improvements in feed: gain ratio and yolk color.
Key words: feed additives, poultry feeding, yolk pigmentation


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, H. C.; OLIVEIRA, M. C.; ARANTES, U. M.; ARGYRI, E. T. A. de. Paprika and/or marigold extracts improve productivity and yolk color in egg-laying quails. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 21, 2020. DOI: 10.1590/1809-6891v21e-53048. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.