
  • Juliana Maziero Furlani UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal
  • Carlos Roberto Daleck UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal
  • Felipe Antonio Mendes Vicenti Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste
  • Andrigo Barboza De Nardi Universidade de Franca (Unifran)
  • Gener Tadeu Pereira UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal
  • Áureo Evangelista Santana UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal
  • Duvaldo Eurides Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Luiz Antônio Franco da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás



This retrospective study included 49 dogs, 28 males and 21 females, of several breeds, between two and 17 years old. The majority of dogs were mixed breed or Boxers and Teckels, six to nine years old. Eleven animals showed grade I mast cell tumor, 10 grade II and nine grade III. Surgery alone or associated with chemotherapy were performed in the most of cases. The results from our study indicate that surgery alone promotes the highest survival time because surgery procedure is indicated in cases with better prognosis. Teckels and Boxers show highest survival time. Dogs with multiple lesions have lowest survival time. The histologic grades of mast cell tumors have similar incidence, however the incidence tends to decrease from grade I to III. High-grade tumors promote lowest survival time. Fine needle aspiration cytology allow accurate diagnosis of canine mast cell tumors, although the histopathology is required to determine the histologic grade allowing an adequate treatment and so a highest survival time. Both incomplete chemotherapy and untreated groups have poor prognosis. In the most of cases the survival time is low.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Maziero Furlani, UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal.

Carlos Roberto Daleck, UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal

Professor do Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinária - UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal.

Felipe Antonio Mendes Vicenti, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste

Pós-doutor em Cirurgia Veterinária pela UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal

Andrigo Barboza De Nardi, Universidade de Franca (Unifran)

Professor Doutor do Curso de Cirurgia e Anestesiologia Veterinária da Universidade de Franca - Unifran. Área de atuação: Oncologia Veterinária e Cirurgia Reparadora.

Gener Tadeu Pereira, UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal

Professor do Departamento de Ciências Exatas - UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal.

Áureo Evangelista Santana, UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal

Professor do Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinária - UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal.

Duvaldo Eurides, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professor de Clínica Cirúrgica Animal do Curso de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.

Luiz Antônio Franco da Silva, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Professor de Clínica Cirúrgica Animal da Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Goiás.



How to Cite

FURLANI, J. M.; DALECK, C. R.; VICENTI, F. A. M.; DE NARDI, A. B.; PEREIRA, G. T.; SANTANA, Áureo E.; EURIDES, D.; SILVA, L. A. F. da. MAST CELL TUMOR IN DOGS: RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Brazilian Animal Science/ Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 1, p. 242–250, 2008. DOI: 10.5216/cab.v9i1.1060. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Veterinary Medicine