Northern Landscape in Literature
between staticity and movement
Literature in the Amazon, Landscape, Dictatorship, SemioticsAbstract
This article presents thoughs on the concept of landscape, considering its representations in literature. To this analysis, two novels are selected as objects of investigation: A morte no bordado, by JJ Leandro (2009) and A figa verde e a misteriosa mulher de branco, by Paulo Roberto Ferreira (2024). The authors are two writers who create narratives that develop in the region understood as belonging to the Legal Amazon. In the first novel, the effect of meaning that persists is that of the landscape understood in its dimension of staticity, at least as a figurative memory; in the second novel, there is a landscape in movement, considering the incessant transformation that takes place under the commands of the interests of the capital that advances over the region. As a theoretical basis, the categories from discursive semiotics and geography were mobilized.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luiza Helena Oliveira da Silva, Naiane Vieira dos Reis Silva
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