Sense; Poetics; Dis-position; Sensibility; Witticism.Abstract
The text presents Poetics as a state of dis-position, openness of perceptive senses, understanding consciousness, the bond of sensitivity and witticism to a way of understanding and enjoying human phenomena, of existing and coexisting human beings from the viewpoint of poíesis. In other words, in the original and originating ways in which the seminal vigor of these phenomena gushes, of existing, which potentiate the emergence of our actions and creations. Poetics, viscerally, implies the emergence of the germinal fulcrum, propels the insurgency of the open paths, of the inaugural one; the outbreak of the extraordinary, the constellation of the “eternal novelty of the world”. The Poetics prism, by intertwining Pathos and Logos, raises the appearance of the streams of astonishment and admiration, of perplexity and uneasiness that question, move and inflate us while treading the folds and curves of the crossings, of the crossroads that we cross impelled by the intensities of the challenges of our being in the world with others. It enhances the opening of the body and the spirit, the body-spirit, - the “poetic logos” - for the insurgent, the unpredictable and the surprising; for the pluriverse of human Senses. It urges us on the bittersweet achievements of the tragicomicity of existing. Thus, it touches us in the intricacies of paradoxes and imponderables of human complexity, in the flanks of its ambiguities and uncertainties, contradictions and tortuousness. The weaving of the Poetics, of the poetic state, inflates the rupture of the anesthetic that compresses and homogenizes, and promotes the plasticity of the aesthetics characterized by the expression of the syncopated game, the fluidity of the movement, the playful impulse, the child's imagination, the flashes of polychromy. In this direction, we can perceive, understand and enjoy the phenomena, life, from its original pulse, in the movement of its dynamism, its obliquities and its liveliness with all the senses together, interconnected. Hence, we establish with the world, with a contingent living, a pregnant/organic and soul-related/symbolic relationship in which we penetrate the chromaticity of the intensities and extensions of the nuclei of the experiences, of the bonds that intertwine us with each other driven by our sensitive and witty being.
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