The Spontaneous writing of preschoolers: What they demonstrate about the hypothesis of writing




Preschoolers, Kindergarten, Spontaneous writing, Writing hypotheses


The present study, in the format of an experience report, deals with the acquisition of writing of preschoolers. The problematic is part of the reflections made about the pedagogical practice of the researcher in the context of spontaneous writing in her class. The generating question focuses on: what does spontaneous writing of preschoolers expose about the hypotheses of writing? Aiming at this, to identify the hypotheses of writing in the spontaneous drafts of the preschoolers, in the kindergarten class. Governed by the qualitative conception of research, the action research allowed us to ascertain and measure the hypothesis of writing in the spontaneous writing of the students.


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How to Cite

MONTEIRO, B. de S.; ARAÚJO, H. de L. M. R. The Spontaneous writing of preschoolers: What they demonstrate about the hypothesis of writing. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 33, p. e67660, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/sig.v33.67660. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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