Libras, bilinguism and bilingual education: the territory of the deaf.




Bilingualism. Sign Language. Bilingual Education.


A language community is not just about people living in certain territories. The principles guiding Linguistic Rights adopt the idea that the territorial space is not classified as a geographic area, but as an essential social and functional space for the full development of the language. In this sense, bibliographic research was carried out (OLIVEIRA, 2003, 2011; GROSJEAN, 2008, 2016; QUADROS, 2019; PLAZA-PUST, 2012; ANN, 2004) predisposing the discussion of supportive aspects for the theoretical assumptions and Bilingualism and Bilingual Education from the perspective of the public sphere and also from the considerations of the deaf community.


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Author Biography

Dayse Garcia Miranda, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

PhD in Language Studies - CEFET/MG , Master in Education by FaE/UFMG. Post-Graduation in Inclusive Education by FJP/MG. Psychology - FCH/FUMEC. Professor at the Department of Letters of UFOP - Federal University of Ouro Preto. Lecturer at PUCMINAS. She taught at UEMG. She taught at Faculdade Pitágoras, in a Post-Graduation course. She worked at the Centro de Atendimento a Profissionais da Educação na área da Surdez- CAS/SEE-MG, with training and qualification of Sign Language interpreter. Worked as HR Advisor to the Congregation for the Hearing Impaired in Beagá - CODABE. Worked as a Sign Language Interpreter for REDE MINAS/ Secretary of Culture of MG and in Higher Education. He is a member of the Núcleo de Estudos de Libras, Surdez e Bilinguismo, NELiS, which currently has the participation of researchers from other universities. Knowledge in the area of deafness being: Special, Inclusive Education and Bilingualism. Sign Language (proficiency). Portuguese as L2. Evaluation, training and capacity building of interpreters and translators of Par-linguistic Libras/Portuguese. Bilingual Classroom. Deaf students. Educational Interpreter.

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How to Cite

MIRANDA, D. G. Libras, bilinguism and bilingual education: the territory of the deaf. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 32, p. e64643, 2021. DOI: 10.5216/sig.v32.64643. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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