Angela Eiko Okumura’s poetry “international women day”: commented translation of a political and feminist poetry




Annotated translation. Poetry. Signed Literature. Libras.


This work presents the main strategies used in translating the poem “INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY”, by the deaf poetess Angela Eiko Okumura, from Brazilian Sign Language into written Portuguese. Based on Sign Language Translation and Interpreting Studies – SLTIS and studies from deaf literature, we have carried out some reflections concerning the main problems encountered when translating and the translation choices. We have used the annotated translation methodology. We present the translation problems encountered as well as the translator’s perspective on the performed choices. In order to describe the process of meaning construction and make the poem esthetically interesting for the target-public, in the final translation it was sought to preserve the characteristics presented in the genre of poetry.


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How to Cite

ALBRES, N. A.; DIAS, L. . Angela Eiko Okumura’s poetry “international women day”: commented translation of a political and feminist poetry. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 32, p. e62929 , 2021. DOI: 10.5216/sig.v32.62929. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.



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